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order of discovery . . .
Bill Ayers’ Weird Obama Conspiracy has an
audio interview of Bill Ayers, that begins with
the interviewer's question, "Talks about your relationship to Obama ... and him
distancing himself from you during the election."
Ayers lied
that he didn't have to do much separating, and then proceeds to ignore
the question.
But, Obama, who had a 20-years relationship with
Ayers repeatedly distanced himself from the unrepentant terrorist,
describing Ayers during one debate as, "a guy who lives in my
On another occasion, Obama's chief campaign strategist, David
"Bill Ayers lives in his neighborhood. Their kids attend
the same school
As it
turned out, their kids did not go to school together, but Obama was
the chairman of a $150 million effort spearheaded by Ayers on the
important issue of public education, which funded "awful" projects and
"had little impact on student outcomes," and Obama also served as a
director on Ayers' Woods Fund. They even shared an office for six
Ayers then proceeds to
weave an incredible tale of conspiracy created by -- Hillary Clinton!
Ayers says this conspiracy consisted of painting Obama as a mystery
man. Make him ununderstandable. Oh, and he manages to throw in, you
guessed it -- racism.
Nobody had to paint Obama as a mystery
man. He did that himself, by producing, with Ayers' help, his auto
mythology, "Dreams...," a fable with as much grounding in truth and
fact as a Superman comic book. Obama further enhances his status
as a "mystery man" by sealing
ALL of his life records, from his birth certificate to his Illinois
senate records, and everything in between. Obama is simply the
most "ununderstandable" man in America as a result of his deceit.
Ayers says
Hillary's conspiracy
consisted of creating shadowy characters that Obama hung out with, and
then points to four characters that couldn't have been more shadowy
if the were created by a Hollywood script-writer: Wright, Pfleger,
himself [Ayers] and Khalidi.
Ayers describes Rev. Wright as, "a
fiery black nationalist preacher," and "very moderate," who was, "on the
right side of history."
Fact: Nobody had to paint the Rev. Wright
anti-American, racist black nationalist.
He did that himself.
He describes Rev. Pflegler, as a white preacher that sided with
black people again and again -- also "on the right side of history"
Fact: Nobody had to paint "Vanilla Ice" Pflegler as a white
preacher that sided with black people.
He did that himself.
Ayers says the conspiracy described him as a terrorist that wanted to bring down his
own government. Oh, who was also, "on the right side of history."
Fact: Nobody had to paint Bill Ayers as a terrorist,
He did that himself.
And Khalidi -- painted as a Palestinian scholar with ties to the PLO,. Yup, he's
"on right side of history," as well.
Fact: Nobody
had to paint Khalidi, who served as Director of the Palestinian press
agency, as having ties to the PLO.
He did that himself.
Ayers says this is all the
invention of Hillary. Except everything written or said about these four
is true. All four are from the bottom of the scumbag barrel.
Ayers says, "I'm against war," but in
his manifesto, Prairie Fire,"
he writes, "We are a guerilla organization. We are communist women
and men, underground in the United States for more than four years," and, "We need a revolutionary communist party in order to lead the
struggle, give coherence and direction to the fight, seize power and
build a new society."
Ayers was not "against" the Vietnam
War. Firstly, he wasn't against war in principle, he was agitating
for the victory of the communist forces in Vietnam. In other
words: He wasn't against the war, he was against our side in the war.
Ayers entire presentation is a damnable lie
and a rewrite of factual history -- including his own.