The website, is operated by the U. S. State
On August 21st, Todd Leventhal, the
department’s expert on conspiracy theories and misinformation --
stories that are untrue, but widely believed -- penned a column
arguing that Obama was born in the United States. An
Office of Counter-Misinformation does exist in the State
In presenting
his case, Leventhal, who bikes to work year-round, hauls out
three old chestnuts:
1. Hawaii State Health Director Dr.
Chiyome Fukino issued a
statement, that confirms that Obama was
born in the U.S. state of Hawaii, and is a "natural born"
American citizen.
2. verified that
Obama's "birth certificate" was a "real, official document."
3. Two Honolulu newspapers printed birth notices for
Barack Obama.
Oh dear, here we go again!
To begin with,
Hawaii Revised Statutes Section 338-18 prohibits public
officials from commenting on the birth records of any specific
person, so every statement made by State of Hawaii employees, in
regard to Barack Obama is a violation of state statute.
According to Hawaii’s Uniform Information Practices Act (
law, once Fukino made a public statement about Obama’s records,
the index data, or pieces of information used to formulate the
statement, should have been readily available to the public upon
request. It's not. Despite its declarations of
openness in government, Hawaii officials, particularly Fukino,
have refused to follow their own law.
Now lets look,
point by point, at the expert Leventhal's assertions:
1. Obama was born in the U.S. state of Hawaii, and is a "natural
born" American citizen:
Jill T. Nagamine, Deputy Attorney General
for the State of Hawaii, has
made it clear that her office will not corroborate or
back in any way the July 27, 2009 Statement of Dr. Chiyome
Fukino, Director of the Hawaii Department of Health, that
declared Obama Hawaiian-born and a "natural-born American
However, it doesn't matter if Obama was
born in Hawaii, or the Rotunda of the Capital Building.
He is ineligible to serve as Commander-in-Chief because, "at
birth" Obama was a subject of Great Britain, and a citizen
of Kenya. Obama is a citizen -- not a "natural born"
citizen -- but a dual citizen. Obama is technically
statutory citizen. Statutory citizenship means that a
person's citizenship requires a law or laws to define it. A
person who is natural born requires no laws to define their
citizenship. A "natural born" citizen is subject to the laws
or jurisdiction of only the United States of America -- a
state that is derived from having two American citizen
parents, and being born in the United States.
"at birth," was subject to the laws and jurisdiction of
Great Britain and Kenya. He has posted
this fact
on his own website.
Barack Obama gets his U. S.
citizenship via the 14th Amendment: "All persons born or
naturalized in the United States, and subject to the
jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and
of the State wherein they reside."
Obama also has his
citizenship defined via the Immigration and Nationality Act
-- "by statute" --
Sec. 305. [8 U.S.C. 1405] Persons born in
"A person born in Hawaii on or after August
12, 1898, and before April 30, 1900, is declared to be a
citizen of the United States as of April 30, 1900. A person
born in Hawaii on or after April 30, 1900, is a citizen of
the United States at birth. A person who was a citizen of
the Republic of Hawaii on August 12, 1898, is declared to be
a citizen of the United States as of April 30, 1900."
2. verified that Obama's "birth
certificate" was a "real, official document:
Well, who
the hell is Who or what decided that a website,
funded by the same left-wing money source that funded the
communist Bill Ayers' Annenberg Chicago Challenge is authorized,
or qualified, to perform a forensic examination of the
document that allegedly establishes Obama's eligibility to
occupy the Oval Office? is a partisan organization, and the
two hippies
that "certified" Obama's "birth certificate" have absolutely no
qualifications or experience to establish them as qualified
forensic document examiners.
But, the stake in the heart
of this bogus document, is the statement of Hawaii Department of
Health Communications Director, Janice Okubo, who is
on record
saying, "I don't know that it's possible for us to even say
beyond a doubt what the image on the site represents."
3. Two
Honolulu newspapers printed birth notices for Barack Obama:
Leventhal provides a linked-quote from former managing
editor of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Dave Shapiro, who
allegedly says, "Those were listings that came over from the
State Department of Health. They would send the same thing to
both papers.”
First of all the link doesn't work, so we
don't know what Shapiro may or may not have said, but in any
case it doesn't matter. Shapiro's allegation is false. Newspaper
birth notices do not come from the State Department of health. They come from the families, just like marriage notices, and
death notices. This can be established by the fact that there is
no birth notice for the Nordyke twins. If these notices came
from the state, certainly the birth announcement of twins to a
prominent physician would be present on the same page as Obama's
-- they're not.
no one has ever seen the original
artifacts -- the physical newsprint announcement -- but only
microfilm/fiche copies, there is speculation that Obama's birth
notices were counterfeit insertions made on top of the Nordyke
twins announcement(s).
Show me the aged and yellowed copy of the actual newspaper
it was printed in and give me the provenance of the paper and I
might believe it.
Otherwise you have a copy of a
microfiche that appears to be spliced. Better yet, show the
world the actual long-form birth certificate.
In this
matter, Leventhal is no "expert." In fact, he is acting as a
"propagandist," and once again, on your dime.