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OK, you Obots -- Defend this

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Here are my top ten list of things that indicate Barack Obama has some serious loose ends . . .

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Obots have been railing about Birthers, the Birther "Movement" and the Birther "Conspiracy" for four years.  I have been reading about these "conspiratorial fringe dwellers" and "racists" ever since one of its Kossacks questioned the validity of Obama's Certification of Live Birth that was posted on the Daily Kos.


Rewrite -- Dreams -- now he goes to Harvard and the Law Review gives Obama a mantle of respectability -- but what about that resume?  Aha!  Finish "the book."  Obama was sharing an office with a guy who was a great writer, and had some time on his hands -- blowing up federal buildings was on hold during the Clinton years.


A fake autobiography -- an automythology really -- in the introduction, Obama acknowledged his use of pseudonyms, composite characters, approximated dialogue and events out of chronological order.  Obama's story as told by Obama, with a little help from his his unrepentant terrorist buddy, Bill Ayers, has more than a few holes in it.

A counterfeit short-form birth document posted on an Obot website that has never, ever, been examined by a qualified, independent examiner -- addressing the document, Hawaii Department of Health spokesperson Janice Okubo told Politifact, "I don't know that it's possible for us to even say beyond a doubt what the image on the site represents."

And two old newspaper clippings that aren't even newspaper clippings, but microfiche/film copies that are proof of nothing.  In a court of law, these documents would be considered hearsay.  No one has ever seen these birth announcements in the original newspaper.  No one has ever documented the source or veracity of these announcements.

Finally, after three years of stonewalling, Obama released what he claimed was his long-form "birth certificate."  The document was almost immediately demonstrated to have been electronically/digitally manipulated.  No one outside of Team Obama was ever allowed to examine the document, that was immediately accepted as 100% genuine by the ObamaMedia, and returned to some deep-dark Hawaiian vault.  More "trust me" from The Anointed One.


Citizenship -- Early on, the sponsors knew Obama had a problem.  They knew then.  They know now.  And everybody else involved knows.  Obama has a problem.  What is it?  The answer to that question is not in the public domain.  I am convinced that Barry was indeed adopted by Lolo Soetoro.  Not only that, but that Soetoro was still acknowledging Barry as his son as late as 1980.


Prequel -- Change the rules -- Obama's sponsors know the guy has baggage, so they try to change the rules -- when that doesn't work so well, they . . .


Sanitize and seal the records -- even WikiLeaks couldn't get to Obama's records -- with that under control, the Dems had to neuter the opposition.


The Deal -- SR 511 -- OK, McCain has been shut up -- now let's shut up the hoi poloi


ForgeryGate -- The COLB and The birth announcements -- the ObamaMedia not only accepted this stuff they sold it to the American People as genuine -- even though no journalist has seen, much less examined, the originals.


DNC Fraud -- OCON -- the day after the Democrat Convention, Nancy Pelosi and other DNC officials submit fraudulent OCONs to the states.


Social Security Fraud --


Selective Service Fraud --


ForgeryGate Redux -- The "long form" birth certificate







The birth certificate


Obama/Dunham marriage license -- Not released (if one exists)
Original, vault copy birth certificate -- Not released (lawyers' fees greater than $3,000,000 -- a REAL birth certificate is $15)

Certification of Live Birth (short form) -- Released -- Counterfeit
Certificate of Live Birth (long form) -- Released -- Counterfeit
Amended Certification of Live Birth -- Released -- Counterfeit
INS air travel records August 1-7, 1961 -- Missing

Obama/Dunham divorce -- Released but incomplete (by independent investigators)
Obama Sr. INS file -- Released -- both U. Hawaii and Harvard wanted him expelled for "womanizing"

Barry Dunham/Obama Kindergarten records -- Records lost (this is a big one -- read two frames)
Soetoro/Dunham marriage license -- Not released

Anna Soetoro/Dunham passport records -- Released, but key years are missing
Barry Dunham/Obama/Soetoro passport records -- Missing
Soetoro adoption records -- Not released

Fransiskus Assisi School  School application -- Released (by independent investigators)
Besuki School  record -- Released (by independent investigators)

Punahou School application -- Missing
Punahou School records -- Not released
Noelani 3rd Grade records -- Not released

Soetoro/Dunham divorce -- Released (by independent investigators)

Selective Service Registration -- Released (by independent investigators) -- Under suspicion

Social Security Numbers -- Released (by independent investigators) -- Under suspicion
Occidental College records -- Not released

Financial Aid Records -- Not released
Passport Records -- Not released and records scrubbed clean by Obama's terrorism and intelligence adviser
Columbia College records -- Not released
Columbia thesis -- "Soviet Nuclear Disarmament" -- Not released
Harvard College records -- Not released
Harvard Law Review articles -- None

Illinois Bar Records -- Not released
Baptism certificate -- None (never baptized)
Medical records -- Not released -- nor is the source of this nasty scar
Illinois State Senate records -- None
Illinois State Senate schedule -- Lost -- really!
Law practice client list -- Not released
University of Chicago scholarly articles -- None
Rashid Khalidi video -- Hidden by the L.A. Times



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