New photographs obtained exclusively by reveal
that Barack Obama appeared and marched with members of the New Black
Panther Party as he campaigned for president in Selma, Alabama in
March 2007.
The photographs, captured from a Flickr photo-sharing account
before it was scrubbed, are the latest evidence of the mainstream
media’s failure to examine Obama’s extremist ties and radical roots.
In addition, the new images raise questions about the possible
motives of the Obama administration in its infamous decision to
drop the prosecution of the Panthers for voter intimidation.
The images, presented below, also renew doubts about the
transparency of the White House’s guest logs–in particular, whether
Panther National Chief Malik Zulu Shabazz is the same "Malik Shabazz"
listed among the Obama administration’s early visitors.
Tomorrow, J. Christian Adams, the Department of Justice
whistleblower in the New Black Panther Party case, will release his
new book,
Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice
Department (Regnery).
The book exposes Obama administration corruption far beyond the
Panther dismissal, and reveals how the institutional Left has turned
the power of the DOJ into an ideological weapon.
Adams’s book also describes, in detail, the Selma march at which
then-Senator Obama was joined by a group of Panthers who had come to
support his candidacy.
Among those appearing with Obama was Shabazz, the Panther leader
who was one of the defendants in the voter intimidation case that
Attorney General Eric Holder dismissed. Also present was the
Panthers' "Minister of War," Najee Muhammed, who had called for
murdering Dekalb County, Georgia, police officers with AK-47’s and
then mocking their widows in this
video (7:20 – 8:29).
Injustice includes a disturbing photo of Shabazz and the
Panthers marching behind Obama with raised fists in the "Black
Power" salute.
There are even more photographs.
I have learned that Regnery initially received approval from a
person who took pictures of the events in Selma to publish these
additional photographs in Injustice.
After the photographer wrote Regnery reversing his permission to
include the photographs in Injustice, the images were
removed from the photographer’s Flickr account. Yet we were able to
capture them before they disappeared.
The photographs show Obama sharing the same podium at the event
with the Panthers.
In the first image, Shabazz stands at the podium, surrounded by
uniformed Panthers, including Muhammed. In the second photograph,
Obama commands the same podium.
Here are the images:

The First Amendment allows photographs of such enormous public
importance to see the light of day.
Cases, including one involving
skimpy photographs of Miss Puerto Rico, have established that
fair use and the First Amendment allow publication of these photos.
It is true that then-Senator Hillary Clinton and Al Sharpton were
also in Selma at the same event. But the Panthers explicitly came to
Selma to support Obama, as Adams details in Injustice.
They spoke with Obama at the podium shown above, and departed
together with Obama for the main march itself, as shown by this
grainer image captured from

Obama seems not to be reviled by the Panthers in any of the video
or photographs. And Obama’s own
campaign website would post an endorsement by the New Black
Panther Party in March 2008. As Adams writes in Injustice:
Somehow, the fact that the future President of the United
States shared a podium with leaders of the New Black Panthers,
marched with them, and received a public, formal greeting from
their party has vanished from the history of Obama’s campaign.
Apart from [Juan] Williams’ single dispatch, no other media
outlets ever reported it.
After NPR initially
that the Panthers were present at the event with Obama, subsequent
reports from Selma omitted any mention of the hate group appearing
with the future president.
Had any of Obama’s opponents appeared at an event with the KKK or
Aryan Nation, The New York Times would have had to double
its ink buy.
Obama’s appearance does much more than expose mainstream media
hypocrisy. It also exposes an association between a vile racist
organization and a future President of the United States. Only the
degree of association is subject to debate.
And only a few voices outside the mainstream media have continued
to press the Obama administration about its past and present ties to
fringe groups.
I have been
calling for the White House to disclose which Malik Shabazz
visited the private White House residence on July 25, 2009, two
months after the DOJ voter intimidation case was dismissed. So far,
the White House has refused to do so, leaving open the question of
which "Malik Shabazz" appears in visitor logs released to the
To reiterate: nobody, including Adams, is suggesting that Obama
is a secret member of the New Black Panther Party. At a minimum,
however, the events in Selma expose the media double standard that
has buried this story until this week.
The mainstream media should ask Obama a few questions before they
rush to his defense:
What did he and Malik Zulu Shabazz say when they conversed that
day–something that Shabazz has said happened?
Did the Obama campaign play any role in having the Panthers
travel to support his presidential ambitions?
Who posted the Panthers’ endorsement on the Obama campaign’s
website, and at whose instructions?
Who–finally–was the Malik Shabazz who visited the White House
residence on July 25, 2009?