James Simpson
says many are puzzled that Democrats persist in ramming unpopular
and destructive legislation down our collective throats with no apparent
concern for their plummeting poll numbers. A widespread belief is
that the Democrats are committing political suicide and will be swept
from one or both houses of Congress with unprecedented electoral losses
next November. But since Democrat politicians rarely do things
that will not ultimately benefit themselves, this column
asked two weeks ago, "What do they know that we don't?"
may have found out.
It's called universal voter registration. The Wall Street
Journal's John Fund described the Democrat plan recently at a David
Horowitz Freedom Center forum. Watch the video here.
In January, Chuck Schumer and Barney Frank
will propose universal voter registration. What is universal
voter registration? It means all of the state laws on
elections will be overridden by a federal mandate. The feds
will tell the states: "take everyone on every list of welfare that
you have, take everyone on every list of unemployed you have, take
everyone on every list of property owners, take everyone on every
list of driver's license holders and register them to vote
regardless of whether they want to be ..."
Fund anticipates that Congress will attempt to ram
this legislation through, as with the health care bill. What a surprise!
Fund covers the vote issue at greater length in his
"How the Obama
Administration Threatens to Undermine Our Elections."
Is This Election Fraud In
Massachusetts? -- Why is This Woman Handing Out Absentee Ballots?
These appear to be blank absentee ballots being handed
out in Lawrence, MA (00:26)
Keep track of the
developing story at Electionjournal.org, an online community dedicated to raising
public awareness of vote fraud and election irregularities. If an
election is worth winning, then there is someone willing to steal it.
We report it. Jake Tapper called
Election Journal "an organic melange of media, citizenry, community and
On Election Day, you will find EJ citizen correspondents in the field
using new media technologies to document and report in real time as the
democratic process plays out.
ElectronicJournal encourages you to join the community, post comments
often and share your stories. If you have an interest in writing for EJ
or volunteering as a correspondent on Election Day in your area, email: electionjournal@gmail.com
The operator of this site is Mike Roman. The founder of
Election Journal is a veteran political consultant and a private
Update: The Campaign Spot at
National Review Online
wants to know if the woman in the video is
Isabel Melendez, the community activist who came close to becoming
the state's first elected Latino mayor when she ran for the Lawrence
post in 2001?
Melendez is the head of Voters in Action, a
nonprofit group -- she appears to be the only member of the group -- and
has been "working to register Latino voters."
The video show her carrying around blank absentee ballots in Spanish
today. She explains how she’s telling people to mark Martha
Coakley’s name.
Giovanna Negretti, executive director of
¿Oíste?, a nonprofit that seeks to
elect Latino candidates in Massachusetts, said Melendez remains an
important community activist and trailblazer in Lawrence.
Isabel Melendez is going to go to jail
-- unless she gives someone or something up -- I'd like to know what the
odds are that ACORN
or an ACORN affiliate is working
the polls.
FairVote's mission is to transform our elections to achieve universal
access to participation, a full spectrum of meaningful ballot choices
and majority rule with fair representation for all. As a catalyst for
change, we build support for innovative strategies to win a
constitutionally protected right to vote, universal voter registration,
a national popular vote for president,
instant runoff voting and
proportional voting.
These people are the enemy. They want to
"CHANGE" the United States of America from a
constitutional republic
into a socialist utopia -- and guess who'll be in charge? -- THIS
They're stealing the
country and they're doing it right in front of
us. Community organizers, my ass!
When I was a kid they were properly named --
"cell leaders."
So, it looks like Isabel
Melendez could be a "professional" election fixer who is connected to
this loosely connected network of loosely connected socialists, who are
funded by a loosely connected network of loosely connected
These people are
like a cancer -- eating away at the body politic -- it's a good thing
Melendez is so dumb as to do this right in the open -- now we are aware.