This page was started later than it
should have been. It should have been initiated the day that "Big
Sis" said, "the system worked..."
A Lifetime Of Gimmes
Writers on several continents are expressing
emotions from surprise to indignation at The Queen of Mean's
million-dollar trip to Spain. I'm not surprised one bit. The Obamas' sense of entitlement doesn't surprise me at all.
Obamas expect free stuff. They've been getting free stuff all of
their lives -- the two of them -- why shouldn't they expect it to
Michelle's sense of entitlement is the result of a
lifetime of free stuff, beginning with being awarded a place at one of
Chicago's first "magnet" schools.
Michelle told Newsweek that
she got into Princeton, not on the strength of her grades, which she
admits were unexceptional, but thanks to her brother Craig, a star
athlete and gifted student who preceded her to the school. As a
"legacy" candidate and a beneficiary of affirmative action, Michelle
Obama was granted an opportunity that others more accomplished were
At Harvard, she admitted that she had been privileged by
affirmative action and was very comfortable with that, and in 1989, at
the age of 25, Michelle got her first job at Sidley Austin, LLP, without
the burden of student loans.
At Sidley Austin, she was rarely in
the office, yet apparently was drawing an associate salary while not
practicing law, and billing huge hours. Fellow associates worked
to 10 p.m. customarily and many times to 2 to 3 a.m., every weekend,
meeting the crushing work loads. But Michele never had to do that,
which understandably caused a lot of resentment amongst fellow
associates. The associate scuttlebutt drawn from partner "leaks"
was that she was drawing a firm salary while working full time for City
Hall doing political fund raising and "special projects" work for the
Daley Machine.
In the summer of 1991 Michelle joined the staff of
Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley full-time, and began working directly for
Valerie Jarrett, as a go-between for Mayor Daley's Machine.
she married Barack, and more free stuff followed. Now, as Queen of
the World, she just expects this stuff. Her husband isn't going to
tell her to cool it -- he's worse! Obama is the winner of the life
The best education money can buy -- and no one knows how
it was paid for or how he did -- or even if he went to class.
President of the Harvard Law Review -- its first affirmative action
A millionaire from book sales -- a book he probably
didn't write.
Winning election after election -- unopposed!
Anointed by the Democrat Party -- Obamamessiah! -- the moment when
the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.
And finally, in America's first coup d'état -- he sits in the Oval
Office emptying the Treasury -- and attacks and smears anyone who asks him who he is, where
he's from, or who sent him.
It's really quite amazing.
Now, it's non-stop vacations, socials, dinners and golf outings --
in the middle of the worst economy in a hundred years -- the Obamas just
party on at the expense of working Americans.
Yet the two of
them are constantly pissed off at the way America has treated them.
They complain about it all the time.
You can do that when you're
entitled -- pass the Grey Poupon!
Related:Another party!
-- CNN is reporting there will be a party at the White House tomorrow
with close family and friends to make it up to Obama because Michelle is
having such a grand time in Spain. The details are a state secret
around the corridors of the West Wing.
Update: Preparations are under way for Marbella's event of
the year -- a star-studded charity gala hosted by Hollywood A-listers
Antonio Banderas and Eva Longoria.
Expectation was high that
the First Lady would be the special guest at the event on Saturday
night after she received a personal invitation from Ms Longoria,
star of Desperate Housewives, who lent her support to Barack Obama
during his presidential campaign.
More than 400 tickets have
been sold for the Starlite Gala at 1000 Euros each, according to
organizers, and reports suggested that this week another 200 people
had applied for tickets and were on a waiting list after learning
that Mrs. Obama might be present.
Among those clamoring to
dine in the same room as the wife of the US President are a host of
European celebrities and aristocrats, including Gunilla Gräfin von
Bismarck, great-granddaughter of Otto, who has a home in Marbella.
Also in attendance will be tennis player Boris Becker with
his wife Lilly Kerssenberg, and bestselling spiritual guru Deepak
Chopra, who had all flown in for the fund-raising Starlite gala in
aid of children's charities.
Another rumored to be on the
guest list is Sir Mark Thatcher, the disgraced son of the former
Prime Minister, who has a home in the hills above Marbella.
It could be one of the only opportunities for him to rub shoulders
with such American elite as he has been banned from the US following
his conviction in South Africa of unknowingly funding an attempted
coup in Equatorial Guinea.
If Mrs. Obama does chose to
attend the event it is unlikely that she will join guests to dance
the night away at the after-party organized in Marbella's premier
nightclub, the Disco Olivia Valere.
She has an invitation to
lunch on Sunday with Spain's King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia at
their summer palace on the island of Majorca before flying home to
Washington DC.
And, from an email:My friend Silke, who lives in Marbella, told
me that Chelsea Clinton is at her honeymoon at the Villa Padierna
where Michelle is vacationing, as well. It's interesting that
no one has brought that up?
Also, I went to the Villa few years ago, and
it is known for having Arabs and Muslim bigwigs take over dozens and
more rooms for vacations, weddings etc. -- it's one of their fave