the drain in support of the Obamamessiah
Bends The
Truth |
The Honolulu Advertiser, and staff writer, Dan Nakaso, have joined
the Obama Propaganda Team with
this article, "Obama Hawaii Born, Insist Isle Officials," and while
they were going about their propaganda, they put a round on the
Nakaso, opens his
article with this statement: "In an attempt to quash persistent rumors
that Obama was not born in Honolulu on Aug. 4, 1961, Hawai'i's health
director reiterated this afternoon that
she has personally seen Obama's birth certificate
in the Health Department's archives."
That statement
is false. Dr. Fukino said no such thing.
The second paragraph contains the real quote:
"I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director
of the Hawai'i State Department of Health, have seen the original vital
records maintained on file by the Hawai'i State Department of Health
verifying Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai'i and is a
natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this
statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight
months ago...."
There is a big difference between
what Nakaso claims Dr. Fukino said in his opening paragraph, and what Dr. Fukino
actually said.
Remember, Nakaso says that Dr. Fukino said, "...she
has personally seen Obama's birth certificate
in the Health Department's archives."
But that's not what Dr. Fukino said at all. It's misleading as hell --
and it's meant to be misleading as hell --
journalistic malpractice -- I guess it just slipped right by
Nakaso's editors at the Advertiser -- that's a lot of folks -- you think
they sat around a conference table spinning their hearts out, and
throwing quotes around?
What Dr. Fukino really said was, "I,
Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawai'i State Department of Health,
have seen the original vital records
maintained on file by the Hawai'i State Department
of Health..."
Fukino NEVER SAID, "...she
has personally seen Obama's birth certificate..."
and she doesn't say it here -- Dr. Fukino has never, ever
said that she has seen Obama's original birth certificate.
Remember, "That Depends On What The Meaning Of 'Is' Is" -- we're dealing
with government people here.
Now, about those "vital records" --
"I...have seen the original vital
records" -- that's techie-speak for hanging over
the database administrator's shoulder while she queried the "Births"
data mart. She's not talking about paper documents. She's
not saying,
"...she has personally seen Obama's birth certificate..."
-- she's saying she has seen the original vital records.
DBA: I'm searching for
'Obama, Barack'
Yup! There it is!
Vital record number 1392204
That's it! That's it! That's HIS
original vital record! Hallelujah!
But that nifty little piece of propaganda constitutes only half of
Dr. Fukino's statement.
There's this little gem:
"I, Dr.
Chiyome Fukino...verifying Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai'i
and is a natural-born American
Dr. Fukino, as a professional
person, should have communicated the fact that she was expressing an
opinion when she made that statement. Her statement doesn't carry
the weight of any authority. She's way, way above her pay grade.
Her's is the personal opinion of an American citizen, and you know what
they say about opinions.
Dr. Fukino, it doesn't matter if Barack
Obama was born in Hawaii. It doesn't matter if Barack Obama was
born on the moon. Although Obama is a US citizen, he's still not a
"natural born citizen," and your saying so doesn't make it so.
Barack Obama is not now and has never been a natural born US citizen.
"At birth," Barack Obama was a citizen of the United States, but
he was also a citizen of Kenya and a British subject -- See
this chart -- it lays it out
real simple -- born in the US mainland to TWO US citizen parents -- jus
solis and jus sanguinis.
And there's some telltale footprints in
this article.
Halfway through the article, guess whose name pops
up -- you got it, Neal Abercrombie! -- Obama's life beard (
I gotta do a backgrounder on this guy).
He's trying to formalize Hawaii as Obama's birthplace -- and
again, so what? -- it doesn't matter where Obama was born -- although
he'll really be in deep sneakers if one of those Kenyan birth
certificates is validated.
Maybe that's why he's built his
National Security Force. |

Copyright Beckwith 2009
All right reserved