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Obama's Hawaii and Chicago Communist Networks Were Linked

It is now well established that Barack Obama was linked to the Hawaiian Communist Party network through his boyhood/teenage mentor Frank Marshall Davis.

It is also well known that after moving to Chicago, Obama linked up with the local communist networks.

Manning Marable, a leader of the Communist Party offshoot Committees of Correspondence for Democracy & Socialism claims that Obama "understands what socialism is.  A lot of the people working with him are, indeed, socialists with backgrounds in the Communist Party or as independent Marxists.  There are a lot of people like that in Chicago who have worked with him for years..."

This leads to two key questions.

a.  Were the Hawaii and Chicago networks connected?

b.  Did Obama's connection to Frank Marshall Davis in any way influence his progress up the Chicago political ladder?

If the answer is yes to both, there are significant implications.

It means that that the Communist Party USA was watching Obama from an early age and was willing to help his political career.


New Zeal presents its proof here . . .

Obama and Chicago Democratic Socialists of America
Barack Obama's association with the Marxists of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)is deep and enduring.

It probably started in the early 1980s (when DSA was founded)and it certainly continues today.

Obama makes an apparent reference to DSA in his 1995 autobiography "Dreams From My Father".

Discussing his time at New York's Columbia University, in the early 80s, Obama reveals that he "went to socialist conferences at Cooper Union and African cultural fairs in Brooklyn.”

For many years, from the early '80s until 2004, Cooper Union was the usual venue of the annual Socialist Scholars Conference (SSC) -- almost certainly what Obama was referring to.

Since DSA's formation in 1982 its City University branch has sponsored and organized the Socialist Scholars Conference. SSC (now called Left Forum)regularly features DSA speakers such as Frances Fox Piven, Leo Panitch, Bogdan Denitch, Stanley Aronowitz, Stephen Eric Bronner, Cornel West, Bill Fletcher Jr., Noam Chomsky and Barbara Ehrenreich as well as guests from the Communist Party, Committees of Correspondence for Democracy & Socialism and other militant groups.

Fast forward to early 1996 here . . .
Michelle And Barack's Black Panther Mentor
Obama has waded into a controversy over the arrest, in his own house of black Harvard academic Henry Louis Gates.

Why would Obama risk a public backlash defending this man and criticizing the police?

Well it turns out that Obama regards Gates as a friend and they have several acquaintances in common on the black left.

Gates co-wrote two books with Obama's "comrade", Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) member Cornel West. Gates is also close to another DSA supporter who Obama once shared a DSA organized forum with-academic William Julius Wilson.

But more interestingly Gates' lawyer Charles Ogletree is a long time friend and mentor to both Michelle and Barack Obama.

It also turns out that Ogletree was a hard core radical with roots in the Maoist influenced Black Panthers movement. It also seems that Ogletree is still a militant leftist and is still called on by the Obamas for advice.

Continue reading here . . .

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