Barack Obama has been trained and nurtured by
radical Marxists since the age of 12.

The United
States Library of Congress has
selected for inclusion in its
historic collection of Internet materials
The Core
Politics |
Barack Obama was born of Marxists;
mentored by a communist writer and activist during his formative years;
spent his college days hanging around radical activists; worked as a
radical community organizer, learning the radical tactics of the
communist, Alinsky; attended a radical church; was introduced to Chicago
politics by a communist in the home of two communists; and today
lends his political skill to the international goals of radical
activists. He had radicals working on his campaign and has them in
his administration. The simple fact
is, since the age of 12, the people closest to Obama have been active,
radical Marxists and/or members of the Communist Party USA. |
Community Organizing |
"community organizer" is an agitator -- a rabble-rouser. The agitator's job, according to Alinsky, is first to bring folks to the "realization" that they are
indeed miserable, that their misery is the fault of unresponsive
governments or greedy corporations, then help them to bond together to
demand what they deserve, and to make such an almighty stink that the
dastardly governments and corporations will see imminent
"self-interest" in granting whatever it is that will cause the
harassment to cease. Obama said his five-year education, in what
was euphemistically labeled "community organizing," was the best education he ever got anywhere. |

Obama’s most important radical connection, a by-product of his
organizing, has been hiding in plain sight all along. Obama has had an
intimate and long-term association with the Association of Community
Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), the largest pro-Democrat, radical
group in America. If I told you Obama had close ties with or
Code Pink, you’d know what I was talking about. ACORN is at least as
radical as these better-known groups, arguably more so. Yet because
ACORN works locally, in carefully selected urban areas, its national
profile is lower. ACORN likes it that way. And so, I’d wager, does
Barack Obama -- and that goes double for SEIU. |
Senate |

in the Illinois State Senate, Obama supported homosexual marriage, racial preferences,
the banning of all firearms, flag-burning, socialized medicine and the absolute
right to abortion, including partial-birth abortions. He voted against
requiring medical care for aborted fetuses who survive an abortion.
He is anti-war, voted against the reauthorization of the
USA Patriot Act, against privatizing Social Security and opposes the
death penalty, three strikes laws and school vouchers. He has no
military service record. He strongly supports the decriminalization of
marijuana. |
United States Senate |
143 days in the U. S. Senate, Obama was elected to
the White House. IN January 2008 the National Journal
published its rankings of all U.S. senators -- based on how they had
voted on a host of foreign and domestic policy bills -- and rated Barack
Obama "the most liberal Senator of 2007." In the area of domestic
policy voting, the study found that "Obama voted the liberal position on
65 of the 66 key votes on which he voted … [and] garnered perfect
liberal scores in both the economic and social categories."
At the beginning of 2010, folks are saying, "I thought he was a
moderate?" |
Obamunism |
Obama and the people around
him are are Obamunists -- Obama is the prototypical Obamunist -- a blend
of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Che, Capone, Billy Sunday, Boss
Tweed, Muhammad, and Tupac -- they are hybrids -- they use all the tools
-- whatever will get them power and keep them in power.
Obamunist believes the orders must come from them, the enlightened ones,
through the bureaucracy, to the People. They wrap their stuff up in
fancy slogans, but their goal is power -- and they believe they are
entitled to it.
People's Organization |
On July 2nd, 2008, Obama spoke in Colorado Springs and hit themes of
national service, foreign policy, and national security. In that vein,
Obama proposed a rather extraordinary idea -- that the US should spend as
much money on a civilian national security force as it does on the military.
His actual words were:
"We cannot continue to rely on
our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve
set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as
powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

Copyright Beckwith 2010
All right reserved