Archived in alphabetic sequence -- click
the titles for opinion pieces
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The African Colonial |
Had Americans been able to stop
obsessing over the color of Barack Obama's skin and instead paid more
attention to his cultural identity, maybe he
would not be in the White
today. The key to understanding him lies with his identification
with his father, and his adoption of a cultural and political mindset
rooted in postcolonial Africa. |
Alinsky Rule 5 |
Joel Achenbach,
writing in the Washington Post, employs Saul Alinsky's Rule 5, to tamp
down the discussion about Obama and Islam. |
A Private Account |
"A couple minutes later a balding man in ACU’s came around the building
carrying a pistol and holding it tactically. He started shooting at us
and we all dived back to the cars behind us. I don’t think he hit the
couple of other guys who were there. I did see the bullet holes later in
the cars." |
Bill Ayers' Weird Conspiracy |
Ayers entire presentation is a damnable lie
and a rewrite of factual history -- including his own. |
Birth Controversy |
On August 21st, Todd Leventhal, the
department’s expert on conspiracy theories and misinformation --
stories that are untrue, but widely believed -- penned a column
arguing that Obama was born in the United States. An
Office of Counter-Misinformation does exist in the State
Department. In presenting
his case, Leventhal, who bikes to work year-round, hauls out
three old chestnuts |
Birther Campaign |
On April 13th, 2010, I received an email from a member
that contained a letter from the Department of Human Services. The
letter, addressed to
Mr. So-and-so, was in response to "your letter of March 1, 2010,
regarding the State of Hawaii's release of all vital records, blah blah
blah -- we don't know nothin' -- we can't tell you nothin' -- have a
nice day." |
Birthers |
Obama has lived for almost 50 years without
leaving any footprints -- none! There is
no Obama documentation -- no bona fides -- no paper trail -- nothing.
Being a "Birther" is not about the birth certificate.
The birth certificate isn't the answer. It's a
symbol for all the other stuff that's just not there.
Black Panthers |
Three persons from the New Black Panther
Party for Self-Defense, were charged with voter intimidation last
January in a lawsuit filed under the Voting Rights Act. On Election
Day, two men in uniforms stood outside the polling station with one of
them holding a police-style baton weapon and saying he was providing
security there. |
Bring In The Clowns |
has been clueless on his handling the situation in Egypt. One
day it's Mubarak should go. The next day it's Mubarak should stay.
The next day it's wait and see. The day after that the White House
goes quiet. Obama, and his academics and
progressives haven't got a clue, and haven't got a plan, and our
security apparatus in the hands of complete clowns. |
Cloward-Piven Strategy |
First proposed in 1966 and named after Columbia University
sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, the "Cloward-Piven
Strategy" seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government
bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis
and economic collapse. |
Community Organizing In
America's Schools |
The Left has been organizing since the
1960s -- they've taken over
the colleges and universities -- Michelle Obama's essay outlines their
plan to take over the primary and secondary schools -- you can bet there
are bills and riders to bills for the funding already working their way
through the House. |
Gangster Government |
Do you think the Mafia would achieve its goals and ambitions if the
Capo di Tutti Capo's consigliere were somehow elected to the Office of the President of
the United States? Well what do you think the results of placing
a Marxist "constitutional lawyer" in that office will be? Yup! The
Marxists have a pretty good shot at achieving their goals and ambitions. |
Identity Theft |
that former Rep. J.D. Hayworth, who on Monday officially entered
Arizona's Republican race against Sen. John McCain, defended his recent
call for Barack Obama to produce his birth certificate, suggesting his
questions stem not from conspiracy theories that Obama was really born
in Kenya but from concerns about identity theft. |
Neuro-Linguistic Programming |
This document contains over 40
pages of evidence and analysis proving Barack Obama’s use of a
little-known and highly deceptive and manipulative form of “hack”
hypnosis on millions of unaware Americans, and reveals what only a few
psychologists and hypnosis/NLP experts know. |
Obama's Religion |
On February 20th, 2012, Rick Santorum's spokeswoman retracted a
comment Santorum made, saying, "He was not questioning the president's
character, he wasn't questioning the president's religion." Since
then, I have had several emails asking me my opinion of whether Barack
Obama is a Muslim, or not. My personal view is that he is more Muslim
than Christian, but being the ObamaMessiah, he's really above all that
religious nonsense.
Obama Team Lies To Hide His Lies |
This morning, I received this email from Mitch
Stewart, Executive Director of Organizing for America, a "community
organizing project" funded by the Democratic National Committee and
taxpayers. Founded just after the inauguration of Barack Obama,
the group seeks to mobilize Obama supporters to elect other political
candidates and support Obama's legislative agenda. The group has
access to the contact information of 14 million Americans who identified
themselves as Obama supporters during the 2008 Presidential Election. |
Political Correctness |
The terms "Political Correctness" and
"Politically Correct" (PC) are the terms applied to language, ideas,
policies, and behavior meant to enforce ideological conformity to an
orthodox authority. The usages are principally pejorative -- ridiculing
the "unquestionable authority" of the orthodoxy and the authority
figure. PC is a tool, a club, to end debate. |
Politico On
Birthers |
AOL News
AOL News brought "Birthers" to the mainstream when they published a small
piece referencing Ben Smith's
report, "Culture of conspiracy: the Birthers" -- those who
question Obama's eligibility to serve as commander-in-chief because of his
citizenship status. |
Race Card |
Every time Progressives sense they are losing the argument, they
play the race card. They do it because they can, and they do it
because it works. It muffles criticism of whatever the Progressive
agenda item of the day is. |
Too Darned Intellectual |
Spitting and drooling on MSNBC's Hardball, Chris Matthews
"President Obama has his chin out on just about every hot issue out
there.... He’s exposed and vulnerable. His poll numbers are
dropping. Is he just too darned intellectual? Too much the
egg head?" |
Undocumented |
There is no
public evidence, no actual documentation, of an Obama birth -- none --
nada -- zero -- zilch! It's the Immaculate Deception.
is evidence a birth was reported -- from data that could have been
created any time after the birth -- but that evidence has been
discredited as counterfeit by at least three qualified examiners.
Usurpation |
John Charlton says it’s a crime rarely
heard of, little spoken, widely misunderstood. Yet it is the gravest of
crimes against the common good, the public good and the civil order.
The crime of usurpation occurs when any person unlawfully
arrogates to himself power or authority, either in the form of an
office, elected or appointed, or in powers not due that office. |