Obama, who are you?
What is your secret?
Why won't you release your
bona fides?

The United
States Library of Congress has
selected TheObamaFile.com for inclusion in its
historic collection of Internet materials
American Tea Party

America is on the brink of
another revolution. In a new
TEA Party,
citizens across the USA are beginning to protest
Obama's giant government programs that reach deep
into their pockets.
information on How to Organize you own "TEA Party"
Protest click
The Law
The Law |
Founders were very clear that the Commander-in-Chief should be a
"natural born" citizen.
They were less clear in their definition
of what that meant.
The Fraud
Birth Certificate |
 This bogus birth certificate, a
Certification of Live Birth (COLB), was used to deceive over 300 million
Americans in regards to Obama's true identity and birth origins. This
bogus birth certificate was used to deceive members of our government,
our judiciary, our armed forces, and law enforcement into believing that
Obama is a natural-born US citizen who
is constitutionally eligible for the office of the President of the
United States of America. Oh, did
I say it's bogus?
More Fraud
Birth Certificate II |

It was only yesterday, April 26, 2011, that Barack Obama said there was
no point in releasing his long-form birth certificate because it
wouldn't change anybodies mind, and a day later he does a 180. And
Hawaii just issued a bulletin saying they no longer issued long-form
birth certificates -- and now Obama releases what he claims is his?
What's going on here?
More hanky-panky. Oh, and did
I say this one's bogus too?
The Coup
Conspiracy |

sudden seizing of the government by a small group of
persons in positions of authority.
Issues |
of the questions that the court must
decide is whether a person governed by the laws of Great Britain at the
time of their birth could be considered a "natural born" citizen of the
United States as required by Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5, of the U.
S. Constitution.
And there are many other equally troubling questions.
Questions that remain unanswered by any United
States court -- and Obama's spending a ton of money to make sure it
stays that way. |
Lawsuits |

Some of the more infamous lawsuits that question Obama's eligibility.

Copyright Beckwith 2009 - 2011
All right reserved