Touring Companies
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- Computer Engineer: Shen Yun Orchestra Is Unique“It is very unique music—between the American influence and the Chinese influence. That is not something that I have heard before, and I very much enjoy listening to that because it is unique.” “I very much appreciate the talent of the musicians who give us this performance. It is not easy to play these pieces, […]Read more
- Educational Coordinator Finds Shen Yun Orchestra ‘Very Energetic and Awakening’“I just feel like they’re so professional in their presentation of this performance. … I’ve never heard a violin play that register way up high as I did on the soloist. She was incredible—the talent is incredible. I was very impressed.” “[The orchestra’s energy] moved up and down and sort of took us along with […]Read more
- Shen Yun’s Original Music Enthralling and Otherworldly“Absolutely spectacular, phenomenal, phenomenal. So beautiful it’s overwhelming. It’s just so beautiful, so talented, it’s spectacular—it’s just impressive.” “They were all wonderful. The soloist was marvelous. It’s enthralling. It’s just overwhelming and it just carries you away. You’re just floored by it, totally floored by it. We’re here completely—and it’s just a wonderful experience.” “It […]Read more
- Psychologist Says Music of Shen Yun ‘Touches the emotionalism of who we are as beings’“It’s very moving, very emotional. It’s just incredible music, incredible sounds. That [Chinese] part of it is what’s inspiring me or really touching me emotionally.” “Look at all these people performing as one. The appreciation of that is—how that happens is incredible—it’s just something you don’t see normally in life.” “It’s wonderful. It’s more than […]Read more
- Shen Yun Music Erases the Stress of the Week“Oh, it was beautiful, absolutely beautiful. I actually had to close my eyes, and I could envision the open land—in one of the last pieces—it was absolutely beautiful.” “Those [original compositions] were absolutely beautiful and very entertaining. Just very calming and just absolutely relaxing.” “I have a very stressful job, so just listening to this […]Read more
- Shen Yun Violin Virtuoso Crazy Good and Beyond Possible“Unbelievable—I’m blown away. I’ve never heard this orchestra, I’ve wanted to hear it for a long time. it’s just amazing. Their instruments sang and it brings me to tears, especially the violinist, the soloist [Fiona Zheng, Sarasate’s Carmen Fantasy]. She was crazy—crazy good.” “[Fiona Zheng] really just—to the nth—she just went beyond what you thought […]Read more
- Healer Bolstered By Energy of Shen Yun’s Sound“I love this. This is wonderful, it’s wonderful; I can’t wait until the soprano comes out.” “The energy is uplifting, it’s beautiful, it’s very eloquent.” “At the beginning I feel it all in my crown chakra, so it’s opening up those spiritual centers, and then as they go on I feel it go through my […]Read more
- Bethesda Audience Amazed by the Vivid Storytelling of Shen Yun Symphony OrchestraShen Yun Symphony Orchestra left audience members at the Music Center at Strathmore in Bethesda, Maryland, in a state of awe. Charlene Rivera, a retired professor and former executive director at George Washington University, attended the performance and said it transports the audience to a panoply of destinations, both cultural and spiritual. “The music is […]Read more
- Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra ‘Just Made You Feel Good,’ Says Retired Professor“It was a very excellent performance. I enjoyed the performance greatly, it was wonderful. The music is beautiful, it makes you think about the history of China which I don’t know a whole lot about; I know a little bit, but I don’t know huge amounts. It was very, very beautiful; beautifully done.” “The history, […]Read more
- ‘Just a Wonderful Night’“Beautiful instruments, and well played. Wonderful. A couple of instruments I had never seen before—really amazing.” “The lady who did the solo violin [Fiona Zheng]—that was amazing! She was incredible, I’ve never seen anything like that before—she was definitely a virtuoso.” “[Last piece, ‘Creation’] was a beautiful blend and everyone was a real master of […]Read more
- Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra ‘Is Something Incredibly Special’“This has been breathtaking, absolutely breathtaking. It’s such a magical blending of both styles of music [Western and Eastern]. I’ve been to regular symphony before, but you just don’t get this. This is something incredibly special.” “It’s just breathtaking. It’s actually my birthday today, so this is my birthday treat. So it’s great.” “It’s just […]Read more
- Musician Fascinated With Stories Told Through Music in Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra“The music I found is so interesting because it’s being transcended from the Eastern culture to the Western instruments, and transcended into Western music. I found the connection to be fascinating. It’s beautiful, absolutely beautiful.” “So grateful to have the opportunity to hear it. … The soloist was beautiful [Fiona Zheng]. Her execution was eloquent […]Read more
- Maryland Delegate Member: Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra Concert ‘An Outstanding Opportunity’“Very much enjoyed it. The music is beautiful. A very talented orchestra, and an outstanding mix of Western and Eastern [instruments], and it’s gorgeous together. It truly is.” “It’s invigorating. Just a pleasure to hear. … It’s invigorating and fulfilling—very unique” “There is a certain hypnotic sense to it that you’ll experience.” “I liked it […]Read more
- Systems Analyst: ‘I loved all of it’“This is the third time [coming to a Shen Yun performance].” “I really loved it. I enjoyed the sound at the end of this, and the dance [Shen Yun Performing Arts show] at the Kennedy Centre. I loved all of it.”Read more
- College Professor Fascinated With Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra“I just admire the precision, all the artists working together. … It’s fascinating to me, how they all coordinate. And I loved the sound, of course.”Read more
- Musician: Shen Yun Orchestra and Conductor Both Fabulous“I’m so glad that we came … I was surprised because I didn’t expect to hear Wagner, I didn’t expect to hear ‘Sleeping Beauty’, and they did a fabulous job. The finesse is perfect.” “The conductor is a pleasure to watch. He’s a fabulous conductor, and the violin soloist was unbelievable.” “[The orchestra] is very […]Read more
- Bethesda Audience Enjoy Shen Yun Orchestra’s Beautiful Music“I really enjoyed [the music]. It was beautiful. … It was very enjoyable.” “It was something different. It sounds different—[the] arrangement for Carmen—kind of was a different approach to it. I love that piece—kind of interesting to have another version of it. So it was very lovely.”Read more
- Shen Yun Music Is Healing, Architect Says“I feel connected, the music has made me think of really, really happy memories … it tapped into what I love and in the process it made me just completely feel whole. The music itself made me feel alive, it forced me to be here, now! to live in the moment, not think about the […]Read more
- Shen Yun Music Soothing, Beautiful, and Outrageously Otherworldly“Very soothing. Very beautiful. Make you forget about everything. The music, the orchestra is outrageous. It’s beautiful show. It makes you become in another world. It makes you forget about everything. Beautiful.” “Outrageous. That [violin soloist Fiona Zheng] is beautiful. She [has] done a good job. What a job. Boy, you couldn’t take your eyes […]Read more
- Sisters Experience a ‘Very Pure Energy’ at Shen Yun Concert“Energetic, remarkably moving, just powerful, hopeful—it just takes you through overcoming, birth through rebirth to hope and renewal. It’s just powerful, powerful. The energy that just struck you. It was very pure.” “It feels heavenly, it feels otherworldly. Something greater than ourselves, you’re outside of yourself. It’s a spiritual experience.” “The performers are from all […]Read more
- Shen Yun Music So Touching It Brought Tears to Angel Investor’s Eyes“There were tears in my eyes. I was crying, crying!” “We’re from Poland, we just came very spontaneously.” “The quality of the performance is excellent, it’s really world-class.” “It was very touching for me, I love Tchaikovsky. I have two little baby girls and I just wish they were here with me.” “[I feel] uplifted, […]Read more
- Financial Analyst: ‘I’m ready to take on the world’ Hearing Shen Yun“This was my first time being here and you know it’s been wonderful. I have nothing but good things to say. I feel excited, motivated, inspired, it’s just very beautiful. It’s great, I love it.” “A hundred percent—I feel it in my skin, I feel goosebumps. It’s very great. It’s like medicine. I feel cleansed. […]Read more
- Doctor Says Shen Yun Helps You Experience the ‘Grand Moments’ of Life“Wonderful, wonderful, I really enjoyed it. Very beautiful pieces.” “The harmony, the symphonies they play are just unbelievable, the training that these girls and young men must have gone through to achieve that level of excellence is just remarkable, I’m really enjoying the performance and the quality of the performance.” “What’s the feeling? Like you’re […]Read more
- Shen Yun Orchestra ‘Very Original and Unique’ for Business Partner“First time I heard erhu in my life, it’s really great. We only have the chance to be in New York today, so it was great pleasure to do this.” “The selection of Tchaikovsky and Chinese music is interesting because both of them are like the fairy tales … and they come from a magical […]Read more
- Shen Yun Musicians Play ‘Like Angels’“I loved it. It was amazing. Beautiful music, incredible, but also fun. It’s very important to come out and have a good night, to enjoy the best of the best.” “I teach people how to build wealth, and part of building wealth is understanding the mind, the body, and the soul, and part of understanding […]Read more
- Distinguished Canadian Historian: ‘I Thoroughly Enjoyed It’“We are regular opera listeners. We go to concerts pretty frequently… The sound [of the Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra] was wonderful. The orchestra is truly dynamic, and one can only admire the incredible discipline that it has. And the energy that it puts into every piece that I heard—it was beautifully conducted and every section […]Read more
- Professor: Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra ‘Was Fantastic’“It was fantastic…I found that the absolute discipline was quite, quite amazing.” “It was a very interesting blend [of Eastern and Western instruments]…I think this is quite wonderful. It is very, very suited to a modern audience.” “I was very impressed particularly with the music compositions.” “The sound [of erhu] is ethereal. And then when […]Read more
- SHEN YUNNew York Company
- SHEN YUNNorth America Company
- SHEN YUNInternational Company
- SHEN YUNTouring Company
- SHEN YUNWorld Company
- SHEN YUNSymphony Orchestra