In ‘Ben Is Back,’ Julia Roberts Cares for Her Troubled Son

October 12, 2018 Updated: October 12, 2018    

The trailer for the touching drama film “Ben is Back,” starring Julia Roberts and Lucas Hedges, was released on Oct. 11. The film is both written and directed by Peter Hedges, Lucas’s father.

Lucas plays 19-year-old Ben Burns, who returns home unexpectedly on Christmas Eve.

His mother Holly is overjoyed to see her son, but also wary, knowing Ben’s struggle to overcome his drug addiction.

Within 24 hours, their lives are turned upside down, as Ben is forced to confront the people from his past. Holly needs to do everything in her power to help her beloved son and keep other family members safe.

Julia Roberts plays Holly Burns in “Ben is Back.”
In “Ben is Back,” a mother welcomes a son back home but worries if he’s free of his troubles. (Screenshot/Black Bear Pictures)

Actor Lucas Hedges is just 22 years old, but he’s already earned an Academy Award nomination for playing Patrick Chandler in the drama “Manchester by the Sea” in 2016.

Lucas’s father Peter is an Oscar-nominated screenwriter for his comedy drama “About a Boy” from 2002. He has also acted in two films himself. Lucas is the second child of Susan Bruce, an actress and a poet.

The younger Hedges has starred in four movies that were nominated for the Academy Awards’ Best Picture: “The Grand Budapest Hotel,” “Manchester by the Sea,” “Lady Bird,” and “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri.”

“Ben is Back” also stars Courtney B. Vance, who plays Ben’s step-father Neal Burns. The film will be released on Dec. 7, 2018.

Lucas’s next feature “Boy Erased” will hit theaters on Nov. 2, 2018.

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Focus Features has released a new poster for the upcoming bio-drama “Boy Erased.” The film, which stars Lucas Hedges, Nicole Kidman, Russell Crowe, Joel Edgerton, Flea, Xavier Dolan, Cherry Jones, Troye Sivan, Emily Hinkler, Jesse LaTourette, David Joseph Craig, Théodore Pellerin, Britton Sear and Joe Alwyn, was directed by Edgerton from his own screenplay, based on the Garrard Conley memoir of the same name. The film will tell “the story of Jared (Hedges), the son of a Baptist pastor in a small American town, who is outed to his parents (Kidman and Crowe) at age 19. Jared is faced with an ultimatum: attend a conversion therapy program – or be permanently exiled and shunned by his family, friends, and faith. Boy Erased is the true story of one young man’s struggle to find himself while being forced to question every aspect of his identity.” “Boy Erased” will be arriving in theaters on November 2nd, 2018. What are your guys thoughts on the poster? #BoyErased #JoelEdgerton #LucasHedges #NicoleKidman #RussellCrowe #Flea #XavierDolan #CherryJones #TroyeSivan #EmilyHinkler #JesseLaTourette #DavidJosephCraig #ThéodorePellerin #BrittonSear #JoeAlwyn #GarradConley #NewPoster

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