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Hawaii Is Not On The Level

In October 2008, Hawaii's Gov. Linda Lingle placed Obama's birth certificate under seal and instructed the state's Department of Health to make sure no one in the press obtains access to the original document under any circumstances.


In 2009, according to the Hawaii Star-Bulletin (since scrubbed), the State of Hawaii, Department of Health no longer issues copies of paper birth certificates as was done in the past, said spokeswoman Janice Okubo.  The department only issues "certifications" of live births, and that is the "official birth certificate" issued by the state of Hawaii, she said.  And, it's only available in electronic form.  Okubo explained that the Health Department went paperless in 2001.  "At that time, all information for births from 1908 (on) was put into electronic files for consistent reporting," she lied.


Then  we found the Hawaiian certification of live birth (COLB) the Obama Campaign posted on the Internet as proof of his eligibility would not be accepted for eligibility for some Hawaiian state government programs.  The website of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL), states clearly the COLB touted by the Obama campaign, White House press secretary Robert Gibbels and a host of other Obama defenders is not acceptable as a form of identification to qualify under this program.  Between 6/8/09 and 6/18/09 the changed their policy.  They will now accept Certifications of Live Birth.


Then, in January 2010, Hawaii launched a defense against Obama birth queries.  The Department of Health posted a "vital records" Web page -- "obama.html" -- that says they aren't answering any more questions about Barack Obama, the mysterious circumstances surrounding his birth, and/or what documentation is in their possession.


Then the AP reported that it was now law in Hawaii that the state government can ignore repetitive requests for Barack Obama's birth certificate.  Republican Gov. Linda Lingle signed a bill allowing state government agencies not to respond to follow-up requests for information if they determine that the subsequent request is duplicative or substantially similar to a previous request.


And now, Hawaii again says they no longer issue long-form birth certificates (story and documentation here) -- and they clearly can't legally do that.  Those records are "public records."


Because Obama won't release, or can't release, his original, long-form birth certificate, Hawaii contends no one can get his or her long-form birth certificate.  Ask yourself, is this behavior that American citizens should expect from their government agencies.


Watergate resulted in the impeachment and resignation of Nixon, but it wasn't the "crime" that led to these ends, it was the cover-up.

The Watergate cover-up pales in comparison to what Team Obama, the Democratic Party, the ObamaMedia, and Hawaii are doing with Obama's birth records.  It's criminal -- and there are hundreds involved.

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