Yesterday, the US News & World
Report published an
essay, "Michelle Obama, Teachers Are Key to a Successful Economy."
It begins:
Michelle Obama: Teachers Are Key to a Successful
By Michelle Obama
Posted October 15, 2009
Michelle Obama is the first lady of the United
That's a lot of Michelle Obamas
Anyway, after personalizing
Michelle and the kids, Michelle's ghost-writer inserts the boiler-plate
about the challenges and lack of rewards of teaching, which has been
eternally true, and spring-boards into the reason for the exercise --
placing community organizers into the public schools -- Michelle refers
to them as "leaders."
Today, we need a new
generation of leaders to take their place in our nation's schools. We
need passionate, talented, committed men and women to step up and devote
themselves to preparing our students to succeed in this new century.
We need universities to
double down on their efforts to prepare teachers and to improve and
expand effective alternative routes to certify teachers. We need
to encourage more experienced professionals to consider teaching as the
next chapter in their careers.
Well, we know the universities are producing new
teachers that believe the country was founded by a bunch of old white
guys who owned slaves, but what does "...expand effective alternative
routes to certify teachers" mean? -- and this:
We need parents to do their part as well to match
that leadership in the classroom with leadership at home...We need to
reinforce the example that's being set and the lessons being taught at
school and make sure that learning continues at home.
Clearly, Michelle is describing a
formal linkage between the organizing effort in the school and the home,
which is a great thing if we're talking reading, writing, and
arithmetic, but that's not what the Obama's history tells us she has in
Much work lies ahead, and it won't be easy.
But I am confident that with a new generation of outstanding leaders in
our classrooms, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of our
young people and a lasting impact on the life of this nation.
There's that "leaders" thing again, and in the
classroom -- and now that we know the Obamas a little, do you
really believe that Michelle Obama is referring to reading comprehension
when her goal is to make a "lasting impact on the life of this nation."
So what's really going on here? Community
organizing, that's what -- it's what these people do. It's like a
virus -- and the Obamas are carriers.
The means to Michelle's ends lies in her statement,
"...expand effective alternative routes to certify teachers" -- and just
guess who just happens to have an "alternative route to certify
teachers" -- yup, the Obamas.
Did you know that Barack and
Michelle Obama have been operating 15 fully-staffed Alinsky training
centers since 1993?
The Obamas have been operating a non-profit
Public Allies,
an organization modeled upon Alinsky's "people’s organizations."
It is operating under the watchful eye of Michelle Obama and it has a ton
of money -- more than
$75 million per year -- and an impressive list of
donors. Naturally, it also receives grants from federal, state and
municipal sources. Its mission has been, and is, to produce "community
organizers" -- baby Obamas -- and its process is replicable and
repeatable -- continually producing more apparatchiks -- they are
referred to as leaders.
During the campaign, Obama also ran, at the state
level, a "national program for social change,"
called "Camp
Obama" --
here is their
sign-up page
-- you too can be a "Deputy Field Organizer."
The Obama Campaign's website
promised that "you'll get the kind of experience that Barack got as a
community organizer on the South Side of Chicago," and "Camp Obama is
your chance to step up and become a leader in 'this movement'."
There it is again, the word, "leader." It has a very
specific meaning to these people.
These "leaders" answer to only one person -- Obama --
and they provide a ready pool of "leaders" to train, new "leaders."
It's in place. It's a professional development entity. Is it
the "effective alternative route" of which Michelle speaks? It is
if Obama says it is.
Remember the
Chicago Annenberg
Challenge and the "Small Schools"
movement? The program focused on
individual schools built around specific political themes to push
students to "confront issues of inequity, war, and violence."
The teacher education programs served as "sites of resistance" to an
oppressive system.
The point of the program, said Bill Ayers in his "Teaching Toward Freedom," is to "teach
against oppression," against America's history of evil and racism,
thereby forcing social transformation.
Small Schools is the Obama model. It's what they
know. It's what they believe. It's what they've practiced.
It's what the have in mind for the schools.
This is what Michelle is talking about when she says
her goal is to prepare "students to succeed in
this new century."
This bunch has been organizing since the 1960s -- they've taken over
the colleges and universities -- Michelle's essay outlines their plan to
take over the primary and secondary schools -- you can bet there are
bills and riders to bills for the funding already working their way
through the House.
After high school is when Rahm Emanuel's plan kicks
in. In his book, "The Plan: Big Ideas for
America," Rhambo writes: "We propose universal civilian
service for every young American. Under this plan, all Americans between
the ages of 18 and 25 will be asked to serve their country by going
through three months of basic training, civil defense preparation and
community service."
On July 2nd, 2008, Obama spoke in Colorado Springs and hit themes of
national service, foreign policy, and national security. In that vein,
Obama proposed a rather extraordinary idea -- that the US should spend as
much money on a civilian national security force as it does on the military.
"We cannot continue to rely on
our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve
set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as
powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."
It's all connected. Don't you let them get away
with it. Learn to organize. The Tea Parties and 912
activities are probably a good place to start.
If conservatives don't organize, they win. It's
as simple as that.