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The Frankfurt School and Political Correctness 

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The purpose of Political Correctness is to end the discussion

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What Is Political Correctness

Political Correctness (PC) is a principal tool of the political left.  Its purpose is to intimidate and to end the debate.

It is not politically correct to say, "the women's movement has harmed the American family."  That statement is sexist.  There can be no debate on whether the statement is true or false.

It is not politically correct to say, "African-Americans commit crimes far beyond their relation to the overall population."  That statement is racist.  There can be no debate on whether the statement is true or false.

It is not politically correct to say, "the AIDS epidemic was a result of the personal behavior of homosexuals."  That statement is homophobic.  There can be no debate on whether the statement is true or false.


These "good" cultural groups within our society can not be examined openly or faulted -- only the authoritarian, white male and non-feminist, white female are subject to criticism.

There is the African-American Studies Department that has banned Othello, because it is racist and the radical feminist professor who lectured a Modern Language Association meeting on the witches as the true heroines of Macbeth.

These atrocities occur because the perpetrators are able to plausibly demonstrate that Shakespeare's intent is irrelevant.  What is important, is the racist or phallocentric subtext of which Shakespeare was unconscious when he wrote.  Any criticism of these views is immediately labeled as racist or sexist -- debate over.

When the local Women's Studies or Third World Studies Department organizes students to abandon the classics in favor of modern Black and feminist authors, it is not that these modern writers are better, but they are somehow more truthful because their alienated prose reflects the modern social problems of which the older authors (white men) were ignorant.

Students are being taught that language itself is merely a conglomeration of false names foisted upon society by its oppressors, and are warned against logocentrism, the bourgeois over-reliance on words.

PC's Roots

Cultural Marxism is the radical political philosophy that is transforming America.  The primary tool used to leverage this philosophy is Political Correctness.  The incubator of this philosophy and its associated tools was the Communist think-tank, the Frankfurt School.

The Frankfurt School was formed in Germany as the Institute of Social Research (Institut für Sozialforschung) at Frankfurt University in 1923 by a group of German intellectuals who shared a common belief in Karl Marx’s theory of Historical Materialism.

Influenced by the failure of working-class revolutions in Western Europe after World War I and by the rise of Nazism, these men set out to select the parts of Marx's thought that might apply to social conditions that Marx had never experienced.  They then drew on other schools of thought, including Sigmund Freud, to fill in what they perceived to be Marx's omissions, resulting in the concept of the "Cultural Revolution," first postulated by the Italian Marxist, Antonio Gramsci.

Gramsci observed that the traditional concept of revolution and revolutionary strategy were dead.  Marxists needed to wage a cultural revolution -- one directed toward the cultural establishment, including the morality of the existing society, with its goal being the complete disintegration of the system.

A modern utopia could then be constructed by idealistic intellectuals, the elites, who would  turn Western civilization upside down.  This utopia would be a product of their imagination and one not open to criticism.a measure of what would work in a modern society.  These ideas came to be known as Critical Theory.

Critical Theory
Their emphasis on the "critical" component of theory was a strategy to overcome the positivism and materialism of their new homeland, with an emphasis on negation and contradiction.  In a word, criticize everything.

An example of this exercise is the vilification of the Founding Fathers as "sexist, slave-owning, 18th century white men in wigs and breeches."

Critical theory rejected the ideal of Western Civilization in the age of modern science.   Validating theory by empirical evidence was condemned as vastly overrated.  Only the elite were able to fashion truths from the observation of the evidence.  There would be no need to test hypotheses against observation or experience.  The superior mind of the elite would decide which truths were true -- and which were not.

One of the basic tenets of Critical Theory was the need to break down the contemporary family.  The Institute scholars preached that even a partial breakdown of parental authority in the family might tend to increase the readiness of a coming generation to accept social change.  The "generation gap" of the 1960's and the "gender gap" of the 1990's are two of the elite's successes in transforming American culture into their Marxist  utopia.
The Quiet Revolution

The quiet revolution is one that could be diffused throughout a culture, over a period of time, to destroy it from within.  Since the civilized world had been thoroughly saturated with Christianity for 2,000 years, a culture based on this religion could only be captured from within.  Applying psychology to break these traditions, beliefs, morals, and will of a people, could be accomplished quietly and without the possibility of resistance. 

Gramsci insisted that alliances with other leftist groups would be essential to victory.  These would include radical feminist groups, extremist environmental organizations, so-called civil rights movements, homosexual activists, anti-police associations, internationalist-minded groups, liberal church denominations, and others.  Working together, these groups could create a united front working for the destructive transformation of the Judeo-Christian culture of the West.

By winning "cultural hegemony," Gramsci pointed out that they could control the deepest wellsprings of human thought through the medium of mass psychology.  Indeed, men could be made to "love their servitude."  In terms of the gospel of the Frankfurt School, resistance to cultural Marxism could be completely negated by placing the resister in a psychic iron cage.  The tools of mass psychology could be applied to produce this result.

The essential nature of Gramsci’s revolutionary strategy is reflected in a 1990's book, "The Greening of America."  In this book, Charles Reich writes, “There is a revolution coming.  It will not be like revolutions of the past.  It will originate with the individual and the culture, and it will change the political structure as its final act.  It will not require violence to succeed, and it cannot be successfully resisted by violence.  This is the revolution of the New Generation."  Of course this New Generation would be Reich’s elite Boomer generation and the mantra for these New Age "foot soldiers" of the Frankfurt School prophets, would be "have the courage to change."

Herbert Marcuse, who was greatly influenced by the writings of Gramsci, was one of the most prominent Frankfurt School promoters of social revolution among college and university students in the 1960s.  It was Marcuse that originated the "make love, not war" slogan.

In 1919, Marxist theorist Georg Lukacs said, "Who will save us from Western Civilization?"  Just a few years ago, on college campuses, students chanted "Hey hey, ho ho, Western Civ has got to go."  Where do you think they got that?

Most Americans do not yet realize that they are being led by social revolutionaries who think in terms of the destruction of the existing social order in order to create a new social order in the world.  These revolutionaries are the New Age elite Boomers, the New Totalitarians.  They now control every public institution in the United States of America.  Their quiet revolution, which began with the counter-culture revolution of their youth, is nearly complete.  It is based on the intellectual foundation of the cultural Marxists of the Frankfurt School.  Its completion depends on keeping the American male and non-feminist female in their psychic iron cage.

Cultural Marxism
Cultural Marxism is a marriage of Marx and Freud and was introduced into mainstream American life over a period of thirty years.

In classical Marxism, workers and peasants, are good, and the bourgeoisie and capital owners are evil.  In Cultural Marxism, feminist women, blacks, Hispanics, homosexuals and other minorities are good.

These "victim groups" have replaced the peasant and are automatically "good," regardless of what any of them do.  Similarly, white males and non-feminist females are determined automatically to be "evil," thereby becoming the equivalent of the bourgeoisie in economic Marxism.

The confluence of radical feminism and cultural Marxism within the span of a single generation has imposed this yoke on the American male and non-feminist female.  It remains to be seen whether or not they will continue their voluntary submission to a future of slavery in a new American matriarchy, the precursor to a state of complete anarchy.
The Authoritarian Personality
Central to the Frankfurt School's studies was the concept of the Authoritarian Personality.  This concept describes a number of qualities, which according to the theories of Theodor Adorno and his colleagues, predict one's potential for fascist and antidemocratic leanings and behaviors.

The Frankfurt School theorized that the "authoritarian personality" is a product of the patriarchal family.  This idea is in turn directly connected to Frederich Engels’ "The Origins of the Family, Private Property and the State," that promotes matriarchy.  It was Karl Marx who wrote about the radical notion of a "community of women" in the Communist Manifesto and who wrote disparagingly about the idea that the family was the basic unit of society in "The German Ideology" of 1845.

The concept of the "Authoritarian Personality" prepared the way for the subsequent warfare against the masculine gender promoted by Herbert Marcuse and his band of social revolutionaries under the guise of "women’s liberation" and the New Left movement in the 1960s.
Matriarchal Theory
The transformation of American culture envisioned by the Cultural Marxists is based on matriarchal theory.  That is, they propose transforming American culture into a female-dominated one.  This is a direct throwback to Wilhelm Reich, a Frankfurt School member who considered matriarchal theory in psychoanalytic terms.  In 1933, he wrote in "The Mass Psychology of Fascism" that matriarchy was the only genuine family type of natural society.

Eric Fromm, another charter member of the Institute, was also one of the most active advocates of matriarchal theory.  Fromm was especially taken with the idea that all love and altruistic feelings were ultimately derived from the maternal love necessitated by the extended period of human pregnancy and postnatal care.  Love was thus not dependent on sexuality, as Freud had supposed.  In fact, Fromm observed, sex was more often tied to hatred and destruction.

Masculinity and femininity were not reflections of essential sexual differences, as the romantics had thought.  They were derived instead from differences in life functions, which were in part socially determined.  This dogma was the precedent for today's radical feminist pronouncements.
Art of Facilitation
Abraham Maslow, a member of the Frankfurt school, was the author of "The Art of Facilitation," a manual used during sensitivity' training.  Teachers were indoctrinated not to teach but to facilitate.  This manual describes the techniques developed by Kurt Lewin and others to change a person's world view via participation in small-group encounter sessions.

Teachers were to become amateur group therapists.  The classroom became the center of self-examination, therapeutic circles where children, and later on, military personnel, talked about their own subjective feelings.  This technique was designed to convince children they were the sole authority in their own lives.

Maslow, who was the founder of Third Force Humanist Psychology and a promoter of the psychotherapeutic classroom, wrote, "...the next step in personal evolution is a transcendence of both masculinity and femininity to general humanness."
Breakdown of the Culture

But how can we claim that the causes of the breakdown in our schools, our universities, indeed, the very fiber of our culture were a product of a tiny group of intellectuals who immigrated from Germany in 1933?  Given all of the special-interest groups involved in these activities, how can we trace these causes to the Frankfurt school?  Look at some of the evidence.


As an example, postmodern reconstruction of the history of Western Civilization (now prevalent in our universities) has its roots in the Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School.  This rewriting of history by the postmodern scholars in America has only recently come under attack.  Keith Windschuttle, in his book, "Killing of History," has severely criticized the rush to relativism by historiographers.  What is truly astonishing, however, is that relativism has largely supplanted the pursuit of truth as a goal in historical study.

How did this situation come about in America’s universities?

Gertrude Himmelfarb has observed that it slipped past those traditional academics almost unobserved until it was too late.  It occurred so quietly that when they looked up,  postmodernism was upon them with a vengeance.  They were surrounded by a tidal wave of faddish multicultural subjects such as radical feminism, deconstructed relativism as history and other courses which undermine the perpetuation of Western Civilization.  Indeed, this tidal wave slipped by just as Antonio Gramsci and the Frankfurt School had envisioned -- a quiet  revolution.  A revolution that could not be resisted by force.

It is important to realize that this movement, Cultural Marxism, exists, to understand where it came from, and what its objectives were and are -- the complete destruction of Western Civilization in America.  These cultural Marxists aim to destroy, slowly but surely, from the bottom up, the entire fabric of American Civilization.

Toleration had never been an end in itself for the Frankfurt School, and yet the non-authoritarian (utopian) personality, insofar as it was defined, was posited as a person with a non-dogmatic tolerance for diversity.  This thought is dominant in today’s power elite of the Boomer generation, the New Totalitarians.

If we allow this subversion of American values and interests to continue, we will (in future generations) lose all that our ancestors suffered and died for.  We are forewarned.  A reading of history -- it is all in mainstream historical accounts -- tells us that we are about to lose the most precious thing we have -- our individual freedoms.

Now that these elite Boomers are in positions of power in the United States, they are completing their work of destroying every institution that has been built up over 200 years of American history.

A History of "Political Correctness"
New Zeal blog  has a history of "political correctness" -- or more accurately Cultural Marxism.  Trevor Loudon comments, "Not complete and a little unsynchronized, but a must watch."

How Political Correctness Gave America A Con-Man President
Kelly O'Connell says "The Human Stain," Philip Roth’s seminal novel regarding Political Correctness (PC), racism, and the insipid hypocrisy of leftist morality, is a fitting backdrop to Barack Obama’s improbable presidency.  In the story, Professor Coleman Silk, a half-Black Jewish professor, posing as a White man, is taken down by the mechanical application of PC rules to an accidental insult he gave to two African-Americans.

Now, we can introduce the 800-pound donkey in the room.  Let’s ask a simple question: Could Obama have been elected without the doctrine known as Political Correctness?

Or is simply to ask the question an unforgivable act of racism?  In fact, the vast majority of Americans realize no person as inexperienced, untested, wildly liberal, or of such questionable past could ever have hoped to be elected without some kind of uncanny boost.  But what is the result of this presidency based on nonsensical ideological doctrine?  And what can be done to fight off the rise of the unscrupulous, unethical, incompetent and unqualified spore of the PC movement?

This is the question addressed in this essay . . .
Political Correctness Exposed

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