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Obama's Counteroffensive

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The roots of voter anger

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Voter Anger

Obama’s determination and resolve to push his radical agenda will only be stronger following his Massachusetts loss -- and it IS his loss -- he flew to Boston to personally speak for Coakley -- he put his name on it.

However, if you think the shocking Democratic loss in Massachusetts will change the agenda of the radicals in the White House, you would be wrong.  The Obamunists sent word out yesterday that Obama’s determination and resolve to push the far left’s radical program is "only stronger" following Tuesday’s loss.

Classic!  Alinsky’s teachings stress this tactic.  Alinsky was a fighter.  Alinsky's writings are full of descriptions of fighting and fights.  Alinsky preaches, when attacked, attack back!  Obama won't back down and moderate his agenda.

In the last 24 hours I've received two separate emailings from Obama's vaunted 14-million-member database.  The first from Organizing for America says the election results, "show deep discontent with the pace of change."

It says, "Any change worth making is hard and will be fought at every turn," and, "The President isn't walking away from these challenges.  In fact, his determination and resolve are only stronger."

And this, from the Ohio Democratic Party that begins, "...we should not be surprised that Republicans will lie, cheat and steal their way to victory," and, "We are once again ready for a fight..."

Obama and his aides all deny that the events in Massachusetts are a wake-up call.

David Axelrod and Press Secretary Gibbs are rejecting the notion that the stunning Scott Brown upset in the senate race was a voters' rebuke to Obama’s policies.  The real problem facing Obama, they maintained, is voter anger over the economy.

Gibbs said Obama came into office with an agenda for his entire term, not just for the first-year.  Addressing voter anger over the current economic circumstances, he said, is the key to the months ahead.

According to Alinsky, "the organizer must begin the task of agitating: rubbing resentments, fanning hostilities, and searching out controversy. This is necessary to get people to participate. An organizer has to attack apathy and disturb the prevailing patterns of complacent community life where people have simply come to accept a bad situation." Alinsky would say, "The first step in community organization is community disorganization."

The Obamunists have decided on using the phrase "voter anger," to, "attack apathy and disturb the prevailing patterns of complacent community life."  They are deflecting the anger against Obama and his agenda, and directing it to "anger over the economy."

Querying "voter anger" on Google News for the "Past day," I received about 3,064 results for voter-anger -- the ObamaMedia is doing their part.

They will continue with their agenda. Things may get complicated in Congress, but Obama can still do terrible damage with the executive order.


Update:  Six hours later, I received another burst from the Obama propaganda machine.  This time, Mitch Stewart is railing against the Supreme Court ruling that corporations can spend freely in federal elections, and warning of a "corporate takeover of our democracy."


"It's a green light for a new stampede of special interest money in our politics, giving their lobbyists even more power in Washington.  Now, every candidate who fights for change could face limitless attacks from corporate special interests like health insurance companies and Wall Street banks.

While the GOP is celebrating a victory for its special interest allies, President Obama is working with leaders in Congress to craft a forceful response that protects the voices of ordinary citizens.


It's very clear that the word "change" is being used a a code word for Obamunism -- it's equally clear that Obama is in attack mode.


Whooaaa!  I just got another one.  Now they want me to throw a living-room party.



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