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Archived: 10/09/2017 at 01:11:59

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The Top Ten

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Here are my top ten list of things that indicate Barack Obama has some serious loose ends . . .

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Preparation -- Marx -- no, not Groucho -- in his private life, everything Obama did or was connected to was associated, in some way, to Marx.


Rewrite -- Dreams -- now he goes to Harvard and the Law Review gives Obama a mantle of respectability -- but what about that resume?  Aha!  Finish "the book."  Obama was sharing an office with a guy who was a great writer, and had some time on his hands -- blowing up federal buildings was on hold during the Clinton years.


Citizenship -- Early on, the sponsors knew Obama had a problem.  They knew then.  They know now.  And everybody else involved knows.  Obama has a problem.  What is it?  The answer to that question is not in the public domain.  I am convinced that Barry was indeed adopted by Lolo Soetoro.  Not only that, but that Soetoro was still acknowledging Barry as his son as late as 1980.


Prequel -- Change the rules -- Obama's sponsors know the guy has baggage, so they try to change the rules -- when that doesn't work so well, they . . .


Sanitize and seal the records -- even WikiLeaks couldn't get to Obama's records -- with that under control, the Dems had to neuter the opposition.


The Deal -- SR 511 -- OK, McCain has been shut up -- now let's shut up the hoi poloi


ForgeryGate -- The COLB and The birth announcements -- the ObamaMedia not only accepted this stuff they sold it to the American People as genuine -- even though no journalist has seen, much less examined, the originals.


DNC Fraud -- OCON -- the day after the Democrat Convention, Nancy Pelosi and other DNC officials submit fraudulent OCONs to the states.


Social Security Fraud --


Selective Service Fraud --


ForgeryGate Redux -- The "long form" birth certificate







The birth certificate


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