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Items on this page are stored in order of discovery . . .

Where Do Birthers Come From?

Well, in 2008, Hillary Clinton supporters first challenged Obama's eligibility to serve as POTUS, but it probably started with "Dreams . . .."

In the introduction, Obama acknowledged his use of pseudonyms, composite characters, approximated dialogue and events out of chronological order.  "He was trying to be careful of people's feelings," said Deborah Baker, the editor on the first paperback edition of the book.  "The fact is, it all had a sort of larger truth going on that you couldn't make up." -- basically, Obama's story as told by Obama, and a few others, has more than a few holes in it -- and his relationships are extraordinary.  In other words, "Dreams..." is a fable.


Well, folks put that information away.  Everybody puffs up their resume -- no harm -- no foul.


Then along came that Muslim thing.


Obama's sister Maya was quoted by the New York Times as saying, "My whole family was Muslim."


Obama said the Muslim call to prayer is "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth," in an interview with Nicholas Kristof, published in The New York Times, reciting the Muslim call to prayer, the Adhan, "with a first-class [Arabic] accent."


The whole question of whether Obama was or wasn't a Muslim began in the Obama camp -- then there was a whole series of contradictory reports -- no! he isn't -- well, maybe he is -- well, maybe he used to be -- no! absolutely not! -- he's a committed Christian.


Yeah, but what kind of Christian -- he wasn't quite what I was used to -- for 20 years, Obama was a member of a huge black nationalist church, the Trinity United Church of Christ (TUCC) -- its pastor, Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, a former Muslim and black nationalist, unabashedly preached a "black" gospel" and "liberation theory."

And people said -- hey! -- wait a minute! --WTF!


In 2008, when questions arose about the candidates' eligibility, John McCain released his birth certificate.


Barack Obama did not, and then other issues affecting his eligibility surfaced -- Obama's birthplace is not certain -- the birth certificate is demonstrably counterfeit -- he admits he was a British subject at birth, etc., etc., prompting The Obama File to publish this list of missing documentation:


Obama has lived for almost 50 years without leaving any footprints -- none!  There is no Obama documentation -- no bona fides -- no paper trail -- nothing.


Original, vault copy birth certificate -- Not released (lawyers' fees greater than $2,800,000 ~ birth certificate is $15)
Certification of Live Birth -- Released -- Counterfeit
Certificate of Live Birth -- Released -- Counterfeit
Amended Certification of Live Birth -- Released -- Counterfeit
Obama/Dunham marriage license -- Not released (if one exists)

Obama/Dunham divorce -- Released but incomplete (by independent investigators)
Obama Sr. INS file -- Released

Noelani Kindergarten records -- Records lost (this is a big one -- read two frames)
Soetoro/Dunham marriage license -- Not released

Anna Soetoro/Dunham passport records -- Released, but key years are missing
Soetoro adoption records -- Not released

Fransiskus Assisi School  School application -- Released (by independent investigators)

Punahou School application -- Missing
Punahou School records -- Not released
Noelani 3rd Grade records -- Not released

Soetoro/Dunham divorce -- Released (by independent investigators)

Selective Service Registration -- Released (by independent investigators) -- Under suspicion

Social Security Numbers -- Released (by independent investigators) -- Under suspicion
Occidental College records -- Not released

Financial Aid Records -- Not released
Passport -- Not released and records scrubbed clean by Obama's terrorism and intelligence adviser
Columbia College records -- Not released
Columbia thesis -- "Soviet Nuclear Disarmament" -- Not released
Harvard College records -- Not released
Harvard Law Review articles -- None

Illinois Bar Records -- Not released
Baptism certificate -- None
Medical records -- Not released -- nor is the source of this nasty scar
Illinois State Senate records -- None
Illinois State Senate schedule -- Lost
Law practice client list -- Not released
University of Chicago scholarly articles -- None

White House Visitors list -- Incomplete to the point of worthless

The Blagojevich Interview -- judge denies access to the FBI report
The Osama bin Laden photos -- sealed by Obama

The Illinois State Archives told Judicial Watch that they never received any request from Senator Obama to archive any records in his possession.  In 2007, Obama told Tim Russert that his records were "not kept."

And there's less on the web every day.  In time, the entire Obama body of knowledge will consist of 3 documents -- "Dreams From My Father" -- "The Audacity of Hope" -- and the latest -- "Change We Can Believe In" -- all written by Barack Hussein Obama or his "ghost-writers."


Just an accident?  I don't think so, but the overriding question is what, and why?  What is Obama hiding?  And, why is he using such extreme measures to hide it?


With his willing accomplices in the ObamaMedia, Obama has succeeded in evading the eligibility issue and seizing power.


And we still don't know who the hell he is -- or where he comes from -- or who sent him.


This is the original list -- it has been copied all over the Internet -- but this is the original source.

The Illinois State Archives told Judicial Watch that they never received any request from Senator Obama to archive any records in his possession. 


Being a "Birther" is not about the birth certificate.  The birth certificate isn't the answer.  It's a symbol for all the other stuff.


Hiding his bona fides and hiring an army of lawyers to prevent their release, makes Obama suspect.


Be honest, you wouldn't hire with a guy with no background, with no CV, to mow your lawn.

Obama's complete disregard for the reasonable expectations of the American people to know who and what their leaders are created the Birthers -- and Obama can make them go away -- in a heartbeat.

Obama -- release your bona fides. The American People have a right to know who you are, and who sent you.

Poll Stories Of The Year -- Number 10 -- Rise of the Birthers
Have you heard of the questions that have been raised by some that Barack Obama should not be president because he has not provided a birth certificate that proves he was born on American soil as the U.S. Constitution requires?   He claims to have been born in Hawaii, while others cite records and statements that show he was born in Kenya.

The people demanding he prove his birth location have been tagged as "Birthers," and those who consider these questions inconvenient have tried to marginalize their opponents by ignoring them or ridiculing them (see Rule 5, here).

I hadn’t paid much attention to this issue myself, so I was surprised when the results to a WorldNetDaily/Wenzel Strategies poll in June showed that 49% -- essentially half of all American adults -- are not convinced that Obama meets the qualifications for the presidency!  Such a result wins this data point a spot at Number 10 on my Top Ten Countdown List for 2009.  It could easily be Number One -- but Obama has so far been able to deflect calls for him to prove his origins.  Pending court action may change that in 2010.

The polling data shows this is not just a Republican fetish.  Even among Democrats, almost one in every four -- 23%  said they were either troubled by these questions about Obama or that he should definitely release all records about the circumstances of his birth, including his long–form birth certificate -- if one exists -- to put this question to rest once and for all.  Even among independent voters, 52% said the same thing.

Men were slightly more likely than women to say Obama should produce his birth certificate, and people in Obama’s age cohort -- those in their 40s and 50s -- were much more likely than those younger and older to say the same thing.

When this question was asked back in June, Obama was riding high in public opinion polls and this issue was not much of a threat to Obama.  But now, Obama’s job approval rating is lower than any president has ever been at this early point in his term, and he is facing little or no improvement in the economy and is pushing an agenda that has proven quite unpopular with the American people.  In this circumstance, the Birthers have an issue that could prove very powerful, and the White House denials to produce definitive documentation proving his American birth only feed the movement.

How Crazy Are Those Birthers?

OK, maybe "Birthers" are nuts!  They have only asked for a simple birth certificate, which any other legal American citizen with nothing to hide would have released immediately upon request!  Maybe it is "crazy" that "Birthers" are only concerned with the missing birth certificate at this late date?

Most American citizens have a job, a bank account, a post office box, a driver's license, and some even have high level security clearances.  What was asked of you before you can have any of these things?

Something more than a simple birth certificate, yes?

Yet somehow, it isn't Obama who is in trouble here, but rather those crazy "Birthers" who simply want to know who in the hell this mystery messiah from Kenya is and why he is so damned anti-American, and anything but transparent?

The US citizen is becoming aware of the fact that they have an entire administration of foxes guarding their hen house and they are growing desperate in their attempts to seek peaceful redress in the courts, which are supposed to be the unbiased defenders of the Constitution and rule of law in this country.

It's clear that neither the executive or legislative branches of the federal government represent the will of the legal US taxpayer anymore.  Before we commence to "altering or abolishing" a government which has indeed become "destructive" of the individual right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, we must exhaust the peaceful means of redress established in the courts.

But it appears that we may have already arrived at this point in time, as NO court in the land believes that average American citizens have the "proper standing" to ask who in the hell this mystery man really is?

That being the case, I suppose all peaceful means of redress have been exhausted and it is time to take matters into our own hands while there is still a country left to save and a Constitution around to uphold.

Before citizens allow people who won't even disclose a birth certificate to control life and death by way of nationalized medicine, they had better wake up and take a stand.

"Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

If it's true that NO American court will allow the people access to peaceful redress of such a fundamental concern, then I'm afraid we have indeed arrived at the moment in history when the people are left to their own remedies.

I will NOT call for violent actions, but I sure have no hesitation in predicting that violent action is the natural result of no access to peaceful solutions.  The people are tirelessly, relentlessly and patiently hoping that some court somewhere will rise to the duty of their oath to protect the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, before the people themselves have to rise in defense of their beloved country.

If the courts continue to run interference of Obama & Co., I predict it will be a grave error of enormous proportions...

In the end, citizens of this country will demand freedom and a constitutional government.  They will seek peaceful solutions first, but when all else fails, they will once again arise to the call of duty, in defense of the greatest nation ever known to mankind.  For freedom to exist anywhere on earth, it must exist in the United States of America.

I sincerely pray for wisdom in the courts, before the people run out of patience.

The "Birthers" aren't crazy.  They're right!  The Constitution either means what it says or it means nothing at all.  If it means nothing at all, then the people are on their own and the time to alter or abolish has arrived.

These are the closing paragraphs of a longer article, here, that addresses a lot of information presented in The Obama File over the last two years.  But there's a lot of good stuff at the link, and it's worth the read.
Obama To Blame For Birthers
Tommy De Seno, recalling Ronald Reagan's admonition, "Trust but verify," says it's good practice to take a person at his word until someone shows you proof he is lying.

Barack Obama says he was born in Hawaii, and since no one has shown any documented proof he was born in Kenya or elsewhere, it's OK to conclude he was born in Hawaii.

Sure his grammar school records show that he was enrolled as an Indonesian Muslim, but some people will say anything to get their kid in the right school. It doesn't really answer the question.

It's OK though for others not to use my deferential standard and continue to question whether Obama was born in Hawaii.  We aren't talking about a 12-year-old qualifying to play Little League here.  There is a Constitutional mandate that the president be a natural-born citizen, and if Obama is not one, he certainly will have committed the biggest fraud since the White Sox threw the World Series.

The reason why people still question Obama's citizen status is one-fold: Barack Obama has refused to release any original documents on the matter.  He can end the controversy in a day by releasing original documents, but for some inexplicable reason he refuses, and his love-struck media never asks him why he won't.  The ObamaMedia instead spends hell-bent hours on making Birthers look like fringy, conspiracy-hungry kooks.

You have to admit though, even if you are a devout Obot, Obama's refusal to release any original documents makes for a newsworthy story by itself.

If he really wants the Birthers to shut up, he has the power to do it by releasing the original documents.  Why not just do it then?  It's a simple task.  Why not get rid of a conversation that has been with America since the campaign?

The issue is the subject of several lawsuits, which only seek a peek at original documents.  Can anyone explain why it is smarter for Obama to spend millions of dollars and tens of thousands of man-hours defending the suits when he can win the lawsuit for free by showing the original documents?

By defending the lawsuits and not showing the documents, Obama feeds the suspicion of those who already think he is lying.  That's why this issue has the power to linger, and that's Obama's fault alone.

Here is what Obama has given the American People as proof of his eligibility, and what he keeps hidden . . .
The Bizarre "Birther" Intellectual Dance
William A. Jacobson, Associate Clinical Professor, Cornell Law School says there is a bizarre intellectual dance taking place around the topic of Barack Obama's birthplace.

The world has been artificially divided into "Birthers" and "anti-Birthers" when in fact I suspect a large percentage or even majority of the population is neither and simply wants all the evidence released so that we can move beyond the issue.  For most people, who have had to show their own birth certificates at various points in their lives, the notion that a presidential candidate should release his or her birth certificate to prove qualification for office reflects neither pro- nor anti-Obama sentiment, but a "what's the big deal?" attitude.

It also seems that the supposed intellectual poles have been reversed.

People who supposedly are irrational and driven by hatred demand to see the evidence.  People who supposedly are rational and driven by dispassionate intellect demand that the evidence not be seen.

Isn't this the exact opposite of what should take place?  Or have the labels been misapplied?

While I disagree with the McCain assessment, this is pretty good.  Read the whole thing
here . . .
Why Doesn't Obama Just Release The Birth Certificate
Here it comes.  The landscape is being prepared.  The governor of Hawaii is asking for its release -- coincidentally, the day after Obama arrived in Hawaii.  The most liberal of liberals are now asking for its release -- coincidentally, the day after that.  This is no accident.

However, if Obama's long-form birth certificate should be released, how the document is released, and to whom, is critical.

If released, it will undoubtedly be placed on, and no independent, qualified forensic document examiners will ever get to examine the document.

This will not end the controversy.  The document must be released to an independent panel of qualified, forensic document examiners, because Obama has had two years to prepare a suitable counterfeit.

And if Obama should release his long-form birth certificate, he should release ALL of his hidden bona fides.  The American People have a right to know, and a need to know who Obama is, where he came from, and who sent him.

If Obama is who he says he is, he should have no problem living up to his promise of transparency and do a complete document dump.

But remember, it is irrelevant where Obama was born, because by his own admission, his alleged father was a British/Kenyan citizen and consequently Obama is NOT a "natural born" citizen and NOT constitutionally eligible to be POTUS.
Birthers Aren't Crazy
Joseph Farah says despite what Chris Matthews, Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck say, so-called "Birthers" aren't crazy.

In fact, they represent the clear majority of the American people -- not some fringe element of society.

It wasn't that long ago that Matthews and O'Reilly were waiving copies of Barack Obama's certification of live birth, claiming it was a birth certificate that answered all the questions anyone needs to have answered regarding his constitutional eligibility.  They went even further, ridiculing anyone who demanded to see actual detailed and unquestionable documentation of Obama's birth in Hawaii in the form of an actual birth certificate with a doctor's signature, name of delivering hospital, etc.

Now that new Hawaii governor, Neil Abercrombie, says he wants to release more documentation to answer the festering doubts of the American people, some of the most die-hard critics of "Birthers" are now calling on Obama to release his real birth certificate.

Of course, they don't admit so-called "Birthers" have been right all along in demanding to see actual documentation.  They apparently just think Americans should accept at face value whatever public officials and TV personalities tell them without question.

In other words, we now have two opposing camps on the eligibility issue:

•  the so-called "Birthers," who have steadfastly and consistently called for one thing from the beginning -- the release of Obama's original, long-form birth certificate so this issue can be settled once and for all; and

•  "Gullibles," the self-proclaimed enemies of the "Birthers," like Matthews, who now calls for Obama to release his original, long-form birth certificate so this issue can be settled once and for all.

We now have consensus.  Everyone agrees -- from Governor Abercrombie and Matthews, both Obama Kool-Aid drinkers, to Jerome Corsi and Joseph Farah, both Obama critics: There's only one thing Barack Obama can and should do -- release his original, long-form birth certificate to the public.

Meanwhile, we have Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin sitting in a prison cell for the next six months because Obama won't lift a finger to provide what 58 percent of the American people clearly want to see.

Continue reading here . . .
"No Drama Obama" Vs. The Birthers
The Washington Times says politics is a blood sport, and it's naive to think there won't be some serious injuries when playing in the political big leagues.  Because the stakes are so high, people running for office put forth enormous efforts to scrub their past and curricula vitae of any information that could give the faintest whiff of scandal or irregularity.  This leads to many self-inflicted wounds.  Excessive fear of scrutiny breeds secrecy, which can inspire conspiracy theories, as the current occupant of the White House has proven.

All of the question marks lurking around Obama's background could be answered with a little transparency.  Fair or not, refusing to make college transcripts public makes a gossipy society curious about what someone has to hide.  When a public servant doesn't provide clarity, the creative masses will fill in the blanks.  As liberal MSNBC host Chris Matthews frustratingly asked about the hullabaloo over Obama's birth certificate, "Why doesn't the president just say, 'Send me a copy right now?'  Why doesn't [White House spokesman Robert L.] Gibbs and [presidential Senior Adviser David M.] Axelrod say, 'Let's just get this crappy story dead?'  Why not do it?  If it exists, why not put it out?"

Democrats try to wave off the Birther controversy as a right-wing tempest in a teapot, but Obama, his own staff and backers are the rainmakers who have stirred the recent storm.  Even when conservative critics of this administration try to ignore the numerous conspiracy theories flying around Obama, Democrats like Matthews keep bringing the issues to the fore and thus make the scandals more bipartisan and mainstream.  Hawaii Democrat Neil Abercrombie -- a left-winger who made his political debut in 1970 as a longhaired Vietnam war protester -- is another example.  After being elected governor in November, Abercrombie, an Obama supporter, vowed to put the Birther issue to rest "as quick as we can" because it could have implications for the 2012 presidential race.  Now he's backtracking and giving conflicting statements about what exists and what doesn't.  With friends like these, Obama hardly needs enemies.

The whole saga is tawdry.  Like the constant drip of lurid revelations about Bill Clinton's adulterous affairs, it'd be nice if the smarminess all went away.  There are enough substantive policy issues to fight Obama over besides worrying about whether little Barry was born in Honolulu or Hartford or Havana.  (Free scoop to the blogosphere: Check the Cuban archives.)  The fact of the matter is Obama gets treated with extra-sensitive kid gloves for fear of trampling on pseudo-sacred politically correct ground.  For instance, many newspapers like this one typically use middle initials with names of public officials but don't for Barack Obama.  Even though the White House's own website makes use of the "H," which is short for Hussein, I don't on these pages to avoid distracting charges of Islamophobia or racism or just being mean to the historic first mixed-race president of the United States.  Political correctness engenders self-censorship, even here.

A lot of Obama's problems can be chalked up to bad public-relations practices and incompetent crisis management.  From major mistakes such as America throwing Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak under the bus to more run-of-the mill stories like the first family's constant expensive vacations on the taxpayers' dime, Obama is being poorly served by his handlers.  Check out the contradictory statements about Cairo from the White House and the State Department and it's hard to come to any conclusion other than that it's amateur hour in this administration.  Drama engulfs everything these people do.  At the end of the day, it's a head-scratcher: Why does everything about this guy have to be so weird?  Why can't Barack be a little more normal?

The holdup is that this particular politician is not a transparent person.  As a candidate and since, Obama has been so stage-managed that it's not easy to know who the heck the guy really is, and his own aides get tangled up trying to decide what's true and what's spin.  "Deconstructing Obama," a new book by Jack Cashill, pulls back the velvet curtain to give a glimpse backstage.  His purpose is to provide an expose on a politician who has gone to great lengths to carefully manufacture a narrative for his whole life that is appealing for public consumption.  There's often a difference between what's true and what sells, and Obama is a salesman.  The product he's peddling is himself, so there's a need to know some of the other side of the story.  "If the role of the postmodern writer is to construct a reality, the role of the postmodern critic is thus to 'deconstruct' it," the author explains.

The image of Obama is such an artificial construct that it's necessary to deconstruct some of the artifice.  That work is not character assassination; it's how the game is played in the rough and tumble of Washington.
State Secrecy Breeds Conspiracy Theories
Brett Decker says politics is a blood sport, and it's naive to think there won't be some serious injuries when playing in the political big leagues.  Because the stakes are so high, people running for office put forth enormous efforts to scrub their past and curricula vitae of any information that could give the faintest whiff of scandal or irregularity.  This leads to many self-inflicted wounds.  Excessive fear of scrutiny breeds secrecy, which can inspire conspiracy theories, as the current occupant of the White House has proven.

All of the question marks lurking around Obama's background could be answered with a little transparency.  Fair or not, refusing to make college transcripts and other life documents public makes a gossipy society curious about what someone has to hide.  When a public servant doesn't provide clarity, the creative masses will fill in the blanks.  As liberal MSNBC host Chris Matthews frustratingly asked about the hullabaloo over Obama's birth certificate, "Why doesn't the president just say, 'Send me a copy right now?'  Why doesn't [White House spokesman Robert L.] Gibbs and [presidential Senior Adviser David M.] Axelrod say, 'Let's just get this crappy story dead?'  Why not do it?  If it exists, why not put it out?"

Democrats try to wave off the Birther controversy as a right-wing tempest in a teapot, but Obama, his own staff and backers are the rainmakers who have stirred the recent storm.  Even when conservative critics of this administration try to ignore the numerous conspiracy theories flying around Obama, Democrats like Matthews keep bringing the issues to the fore and thus make the scandals more bipartisan and mainstream.  Hawaii Democrat Neil Abercrombie -- a left-winger who made his political debut in 1970 as a longhaired Vietnam war protester -- is another example.  After being elected governor in November, Abercrombie, an Obama supporter, vowed to put the Birther issue to rest "as quick as we can" because it could have implications for the 2012 presidential race.  Now he's backtracking and giving conflicting statements about what exists and what doesn't.  With friends like these, Obama hardly needs enemies.

The whole saga is tawdry.  Like the constant drip of lurid revelations about Bill Clinton's adulterous affairs, it'd be nice if the smarminess all went away.  There are enough substantive policy issues to fight this guy over besides worrying about whether little Barry was born in Honolulu or Hartford or Havana.  (Free scoop to the blogosphere: Check the Cuban archives.)  The fact of the matter is, Obama gets treated with extra-sensitive kid gloves for fear of trampling on pseudo-sacred politically correct ground.  For instance, many newspapers like this one typically use middle initials with names of public officials but don't for Barack Obama.  Even though the White House's own website makes use of the "H," which is short for Hussein, I don't on these pages to avoid distracting charges of Islamophobia or racism or just being mean to the historic first mixed-race occupant of the Oval Office.  Political correctness engenders self-censorship, even here.

A lot of Obama's problems can be chalked up to bad public-relations practices and incompetent crisis management.  From major mistakes such as America throwing Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak under the bus to more run-of-the mill stories like the first family's constant expensive vacations on the taxpayers' dime, Obama is being poorly served by his handlers.  Check out the contradictory statements about Cairo from the White House and the State Department and it's hard to come to any conclusion other than that it's amateur hour in this administration.  Drama engulfs everything these people do.  At the end of the day, it's a head-scratcher: Why does everything about this guy have to be so weird?  Why can't Barack be a little more normal?

The holdup is that this particular politician is not a transparent person.  As a candidate and since, Obama has been so stage-managed that it's not easy to know who the heck the guy really is, and his own aides get tangled up trying to decide what's true and what's spin.  "Deconstructing Obama," a new book by Jack Cashill, pulls back the velvet curtain to give a glimpse backstage.  His purpose is to provide an expose on a politician who has gone to great lengths to carefully manufacture a narrative for his whole life that is appealing for public consumption.  There's often a difference between what's true and what sells, and Obama is a salesman.  The product he's peddling is himself, so there's a need to know some of the other side of the story.  "If the role of the postmodern writer is to construct a reality, the role of the postmodern critic is thus to 'deconstruct' it," the author explains.

The image of Obama is such an artificial construct that it's necessary to deconstruct some of the artifice.  That work is not character assassination; it's how the game is played in the rough and tumble of Washington.

Sometime, conspiracies aren't a theory, as demonstrated in the next item . . .
The Real Birther Conspiracy Theory
Jack Cashill says, in the course of my inquiries into many of history’s more recent controversies -- JFK, Waco, Vince Foster, Oklahoma City, Ron Brown, TWA Flight 800, 9/11, Obama’s birth, the authorship of Obama’s books -- I have come to see that when there are actual conspiracies afoot, they fall into two general categories, conspiracies of execution and conspiracies of concealment.

Conspiracies of execution, at least on any kind of scale, are rare in American history.  The nature of our national character and the openness of our political culture war against them.

Conspiracies of concealment are another matter.  When officials fail in their duties and let, say, a president get shot, a plane get blown out of the sky, or a hijacker fly into a building, their first impulse is to conceal their mistakes.  Such is human nature.

To me, a "conspiracy theorist" is one who sees a conspiracy of execution where none could logically exist or who confuses a conspiracy of concealment with one of execution despite ample evidence to the contrary.

Given this understanding, it is the rare "Birther" who qualifies as a conspiracy theorist.  Few have conjured elaborate, impossible conspiracies on the scale Oliver Stone did in JFK or the French leftist Theirry Meyssan and others did with 9/11.

Most Birthers simply want to know where and when their president was born, a not unreasonable aspiration.  Few insist that they know the answer.  Despite my ample research, I do not know.

All I do know is that the official story -- the one Barack Obama trotted out in his memoir and both his convention speeches -- is false.  In my forthcoming book, Deconstructing Obama, I show in detail why this is so and what the alternatives might be.

If there are conspiracy theorists involved in the Birther   issue it is those cynical souls -- and they are many, left and right–who insist that Obama and his operatives have purposefully dragged the birth certificate in front of the baying hounds of the excitable right like a red herring.  In its simplest form, this theory at least sounds plausible.

14th century philosopher William of Occam had a keen eye for plausibility.  We know his approach to problem solving by the label "Occam's Razor," an axiom often stated in shorthand as, "The simplest explanation is usually the best."  The original Latin -- "Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate" -- adds some nuance.  This translates roughly, "One ought not posit multiple variables unnecessarily."

The cynics' case weakens the more variables they posit.  In December, for instance, Hawaii’s Democrat governor Neil Abercrombie went public with his desire to silence dissenters by proving Obama’s citizenship.  When the governor failed to find it, the cynics insisted that he too had been enlisted in Obama’s conspiracy to discredit the Birthers.

Andrew Walden made this very case in American Thinker last week.  Wrote Walden, "Abercrombie may act like a dopey doofus, but it is just an act.  He has spent a lifetime in politics manipulating conservatives to unwittingly serve his agenda -- and he’s proud of it."

As Walden sees it, Abercrombie likely conspired with Obama to keep this story in the news, all the better to embarrass the right.  When Abercrombie pal, celebrity journalist Mike Evans, claimed on air that Abercrombie had told him there was no birth certificate -- and then later retracted–Walden and others imagined him in the plot as well.

"The progressives know they can get the Birthers to do anything they want," concluded Waden.  "They are having a ball, and they are discrediting Obama’s opponents in the run-up to 2012."

In other words, Abercrombie’s failure to find the promised records and Evan’s recantation of a story he breathlessly told on more than thirty radio stations were part of a clever and increasingly intricate plot to enhance Obama’s electoral chances in 2012.  Never mind that Abercrombie made himself look foolish and Evans lost his credibility in the process.  The plot demanded sacrifice.

This, my friends, is conspiracy theorizing at its purest, and it makes little sense for two obvious reasons.  First, there is no political advantage in attacking Birthers.  After two years of "having a ball" with them, the Democrats lost 63 seats in the House this past November.

The second is that Obama does indeed have much to hide.  Whether he was born in Hawaii or in Washington State, or wherever -- we know that he did not spend the first two years of his life in a happy, little multicultural home in Hawaii as advertised.  He ascended to the presidency on a fully fabricated origins story.

The more these alleged conspirators talk about Obama’s origins the more attention they focus on that story.  This attention is inspiring state legislatures to demand proof of citizenship before it puts candidates on the ballot.  Even if Obama does eventually produce a birth certificate that squares with his origins story, critics can credibly ask why did he not produce it years earlier.

That is, if he can produce a birth certificate that squares with his origins story.
How To Answer The Birther Question
Joseph Farrah recommends this politick answer to questions about the mysterious circumstances of Barack Obama's birth:

"I don't know what the facts are regarding Barack Obama's early life because he has made it a point to withhold virtually all documentation that would be meaningful to support his story.  Obviously Obama has a very big credibility problem in this area with the American people.  Polls show most Americans don't believe his story.  A dozen states are working on legislation to ensure we don't have questions of eligibility plaguing the nation after the next election.  But understand this is not a problem of my creation.  This is a problem of Obama's creation.  It's up to him to persuade the nation of his story, not me."

It's not a healthy thing that most Americans don't believe Obama's birth story?  Even his good friend, Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie, seems terribly frustrated that Obama won't simply reveal the documentary evidence that might clear up all these questions.  So why don't you ask Obama why he isn't more forthcoming?  Don't we like it in America when our leaders are open, honest and transparent?  Isn't that the kind of administration Obama promised?"


Only Obama can end this controversy, and only by being forthcoming with the American People.
"I Was Born In Hawaii, What Can I Say?"
Extracted from the Politico blog:  Obama's address to a group of 152 Democratic donors at Boston's Museum of Fine Arts.  The walls were lined with enormous original oil portraits from the 16th century and guests are seated around about 24 round tables.

Obama introduced Nancy Pelosi as, "someone who’s going to go down as one of the greatest Speakers in our history," and continued:

"When the rubble had cleared, when the dust had settled.  This country was going through as touch a time economically, as tough a time financially, as any period since the 1930s."

"We had to make a series of quick decisions, and often times unpopular decisions ... to resort to the expedient.  "That’s why when I say, Nancy is going to go down as one of our finest speakers… I mean what I say."

"Not only were we able to get this economy going again, that in the last 15 months we’ve seen the economy add jobs…but under Nancy’s leadership we were able to achieve historic health care legislation that over the last 15, 20 years will end up benefiting millions of families across the country."

Does this guy read the newspapers?  Does he ever turn the TV from the sports channel to the news channel?

He ended by calling for Democrats and Republicans to put fighting aside, and quiped:

"I was born in Hawaii, what can I say.  I can’t change those facts."

Obama seems confident he can establish his Hawaiian birth -- but, again he wants you to watch his Right hand, while it's his left that you should be watching.  He wants the discussion to be about citizenship.  Obama does not want the discussion to be about his eligibility.  They are two separate issues.

He's conflating his "native born" citizenship status with the "natural Born" eligibility requirement of Article II, and the ObamaMedia is supporting him.

Birthers may not rule, but they are most certainly on Obama's mind, and the ObamaMedia is loaded with anti-Birther propaganda and misinformation.

Eligibility is a major issue for 2012, and it wouldn't be -- if only Obama released his documentation -- what there is of it.

Four Condemning And Irrefutable Birther Facts
What If The Birthers Are Right?
Susananne Hiller says that inside the political vacuum, the headline story on Drudge was none other than Obama’s birth certificate.  It’s the story that just won’t go away -- and it won’t go away until Obama himself releases the long-form birth document.  But with the release of Jerome Corsi’s "Where’s the Birth Certificate," continued questions will either be answered or remain inconclusive. However, no matter what the media says about the issue, people are curious as Corsi’s book hit the Amazon charts hard and fast yesterday.

While I won’t rehash all of the issues here, I will note, for the record, that the Left started the Birther issue (and continually attacked McCain) and Obama is also a McCain Birther as he co-sponsored the Senate Resolution declaring McCain a natural born citizen–clearly understanding the difference between being a US citizen and being a natural born US citizen and its importance.

Now that that’s out of the way, I’ve been watching the brouhaha that Donald Trump is causing and he is not backing down -- that’s obvious.  But during these interviews, it makes me wonder why the MSM so aggressively attacks anyone who even dares come close to this issue -- even now -- after they seemingly put it to rest.  What are they afraid of -- what might they find?  And was Oprah wrong again?

Another question that I’d like to float: Is Obama intentionally withholding his long-form birth certificate to continue to perpetrate the notion that those who question him are crazy giving the media more ammo against the Birthers and the Right?  It wouldn’t surprise me, but with Corsi’s evidence that may not be the case.

Finally, has the ObamaMedia, out of its allegiance to the Democrat party, missed the biggest story in the history of this country?  And one thing you can be assured, the Left will dissect and fact check Corsi’s book until the pages fall out, but will they be able to defend their position on the record?  What they do with the information in Corsi’s book will probably need an extra large bucket of popcorn with butter, because dare I ask this:  What if the Birthers are right?

Related:  Why Doesn't Obama Just Prove Trump Wrong?
Birther Wars Far From Over
Despite releasing the long-form version of his birth certificate last week, World Net Daily publisher Joe Farah says questions about Barack Obama's eligibility to hold the office of president are far from over.

The questions now focus on the Constitutional issue of eligibility and what that really means, Farah explained to talk radio host Bob Grant this weekend.  And the conclusions research done by Swift Boat author Jerome Corsi, published in a forthcoming book from World Net Daily, conclude that Obama is not.

"The issue has never been, 'Was Obama born in the USA,'" Farrah explained.  "That's one of a dozen questions that we have to answer before we can answer if Obama is constitutionally eligible [to hold the office of the president]."

"I mean, we got a guy here who's got two foreign fathers -- not one, but TWO foreign fathers!," Farrah exclaimed.

"The Founding Fathers were very clear on what they meant by 'natural born citizenship'," Farrah explained, "and they certainly did not mean that if your father was a foreigner, that you could be a natural born citizen!  That's just as clear as a bell!  And so, you know, that's the kind of issues Corsi will be dealing with in detail in his new book," Farah said, which he predicted will be a "bombshell" that has the power to "bring an end to Obama's presidency."

Farah said Obama released the long form of his birth certificate as a "counter attack" to news of the forthcoming Corsi book, not from pressure put upon him by presumptive presidential candidate Donald Trump.

"That couldn't be more clear," Farrah said, pointing to a timetable published last week by the Washington Post that showed Obama finally directed his attorneys to get the birth certificate the day after the Drudge Report published a story about the Corsi book, which rocketed to the top spot on's best sellers' list.

Farah is "absolutely convinced" that the long-form birth certificate released last week by the White House is in fact a "doctored document," after doing "extensive forensics testing" on the document.

"The document that the White House released was produced in such a way, copied in such a way, that it shows two things for certain: number one, complete forensics testing that can give you absolute assurance about validity or non-validity is impossible in the way that they released it, which is strange given how quickly the media were willing to accept it.  The second thing that they can tell us, is that there were alterations," Farah said.

"Now that to me, is pretty striking."

Farah says the document released by the White House last week is different from other birth documents he has seen in the same time period.  Citing the Nordyke twins, who were born in the same hospital one day after Obama, Farah said they have different information, different form of registration number, and "all kinds of anomalies" that have not been explained.

Farrah also noted that the media accepted the birth certificate "all too readily [...] as if it were the Holy Grail."
Obama’s Background Of Mirrors
Doug Hagmann says the establishment media has decided that the case is closed, hoping to send the "Birthers" back to their world of kooky conspiracy theories of obviously racist origins.

Looking into the background of Barack Hussein Obama can be compared to looking into a kaleidoscope.  The difference is that instead of seeing pleasingly colorful and symmetrical designs created by light and mirrors, one sees both the mirrors and mechanisms that create the illusion and the asymmetry of the resultant image caused by a deliberate miscalibration of the mirrors.  Turning the tube, or attempting to discern the image, only causes more unpleasant distortion.

Conducting legitimate background investigations should never be like looking into a kaleidoscope.  It is a rather straightforward process.  I should know, as I’ve done background checks as an investigator in the private sector for the last 26 years, mostly for Fortune 500 companies, screening potential executives selected to sit on boards of mega-corporations.  Questions are asked and answered, and all documentation requested of the selectees is willingly provided for the vetting process.

As one would expect, the requisite documentation includes but is not limited to actual hard copies of certified long form birth certificates, social security cards and passport records.  No scanned images, no internet downloads, and most of all, no legal resistance to the process.  The reasons for the former are obvious: digital documents are not suitable for authentication.  With reference to the latter, legal resistance is a red flag of deception, either by commission or omission, and quickly warrants the selectee to a position of immediate suspicion.

In my years of conducting such background investigations, I’ve experienced such scenarios on less than a handful of occasions.  Following through on each instance, I’ve uncovered evidence that the person under consideration was either lying about their credentials or was unqualified for the position due to fraudulent college and post-graduate credentials.  In one particularly memorable case, I found that the selectee was actually a "plant" from a rival corporation, using an entirely fraudulent identity.  In all such cases in which I’ve been involved, they’ve been dismissed or worse, subjected to criminal charges.

This brings me to the issue of Barack Hussein Obama, following the interestingly-timed release of his alleged long form Certificate of Live Birth.  Apparently, the establishment media has decided that the case is closed, hoping to send the "Birthers" back to their world of kooky conspiracy theories of obviously racist origins.  The media, complicit in the process, has also been caught in some underhandedness regarding the book "Where’s the Birth Certificate" by Dr. Jerome Corsi.  Even the self-proclaimed conservative network Fox News vapidly ambushed Dr. Corsi in an interview conducted by Greg Jarrett immediately following the release of his book.  We would expect that kind of behavior from the left but not the administration’s number one critic.

Despite what "Team Obama," the complicit corporate media, and many ill-informed conservative pundits proclaim, the case of the deliberately opaque background of Barack Hussein Obama is far from closed.  In fact, as Obama and the Obama White House has given his imprimatur of the recently released document, he has legally painted himself and others into a potential criminal corner.

Beyond the digital release of the Certificate of Live Birth, however, lies yet another aspect of his background that suggests the duplicitous use of his social security number.  Lest anyone is about to accuse me or my network of being late to the party, we have been investigating this aspect of the background of the man seated in the Oval Office for some time.  Much like Ohio private investigator Susan Daniels, investigator Neil Sankey and others have found, irregularities exist with the issuance of Barack Hussein Obama’s social security number.  We have collected original proprietary database reports and other documents that indicate that Obama obtained, under possible fraudulent circumstances, an invalid social security number.  While much discussion involves the state of issuance of that number, our investigation focuses on the circumstances surrounding that issuance.

Our soon-to-be-released findings will likely surprise you.  It will also give you a glimpse of the internal mechanisms of the broken kaleidoscope.  And be advised, we’ve found virtual "fingerprints" on the deliberately miscalibrated mirrors.
The Birthers Are Conspirators Meme

I was scanning today's videos and found this one by .


What this guy found is another counterfeit/forged Obama artifact.


Look at this picture of gramps, Stanley Ann and the two Soetoro children, Barry and Maya.  Look closely!



What do you see?


Look at Stanley Ann's right hand.


It's balled up in a fist, AND IT'S BLACK!


And here is the source -- Obama's campaign website!


What is not in the video, but that I noticed on the page is another bogus artifact, "gramps and his floating hand."



Look at gramp's left shoulder -- his arm is by his side.


Now look at his left hand -- it is floating -- clearly disconnected from his arm and floating in space!




But according to Obama, his Obots, and the ObamaMedia, it's the Birthers who are engaged in a conspiracy.

Birthers Press On

Peter Lemiska says that in a belated response to the Birther movement, earlier this year the White House released Barack Obama's "long form" birth certificate. Everyone believed it would finally silence the Birthers; and it did -- for a while. But since then, various independent researchers, as well as experts in graphics, computer software, and scanning equipment, have examined the document and now allege that it shows signs of tampering.

Since all of the countless lawsuits challenging Obama's eligibility have been rebuffed by the courts, the Birthers have set out on a new strategy. Arguing that Obama used fraudulent documents to establish his eligibility for the presidency in 2008, they are attempting to exclude his name from state election ballots for 2012.

Last Friday, Dr. Orly Taitz, a controversial attorney leading the charge in this effort, appeared before the New Hampshire Ballot Law Commission to argue her case. The predictable decision came immediately. BLC Chairman, Brad Cook, proclaimed that "Our jurisdiction is to decide if a candidate on the ballot has properly filed and has been properly placed on the ballot." Case closed, Obama's name remains on the ballot. With all due respect to New Hampshire's BLC, we have to wonder if the state really needs an entire commission just to determine if a ballot was properly filed. Shouldn't it have the additional responsibility of verifying the eligibility of a candidate, especially when serious questions are raised about possible fraud? At the very least, shouldn't the Attorney General or some law enforcement agency be tasked to investigate the charges?

And there certainly are legitimate questions that would be investigated if the accused were anyone but the president. Why, as Taitz and others have reported, has Barack H. Obama apparently used a Connecticut-issued Social Security number, if he has never had ties to that state? Why are there several other Social Security numbers associated with his name? Why has Obama fought so strenuously to conceal the original birth certificate, only to suddenly produce the document -- a document of questionable veracity?

Critics of the Birthers love to ridicule them as conspiracy nuts. While a few of them may be absolutely convinced that Barack Obama was born in a remote Kenyan village, many bright, honorable and reputable people do share with them serious questions about Obama's birth certificate, and his murky background.

At the other end of the spectrum are those who instinctively reject even the most compelling evidence of any scandal that might hurt Obama's presidency. To cling to their unshakable belief, they also have to reject some well-established facts. Document fraud and identity theft are real problems in this country. The Center for Immigration Studies suggests that as many as 75% of working-age illegal aliens use fraudulent Social Security cards to obtain employment. Those fierce Obama loyalists dismiss even the suggestion that Obama's birth certificate may have been altered. When they cannot explain away any supporting evidence, they resort to ridicule. But it's not just a matter of defending their belief system. The whole issue of constitutional eligibility is simply inconsequential to them.

Yet for others, the questions remain.

Considering the availability of high-quality forged documents, is it at least possible that Obama's birth certificate could have been altered? In view of the absence of verification procedures by the various election committees, is it possible that candidate Obama was not properly vetted in 2008? And considering the power of the president, and his doting press, would it not be possible to conceal from the American people any skeletons that might be rattling in Obama's closet?

The Birthers point to a mountain of evidence to substantiate their claims. All of it has been challenged by Obama supporters. And while those who take the time to research the claims and rebuttals with an open mind may not be convinced that Obama was born abroad, they might walk away with an unsettling feeling, a nagging suspicion about his past, his credentials, and even his eligibility, or at least suitability, for the office he holds.

The president wields tremendous power, and like Chairman Cook, none of the politicians or judges beseeched by the Birthers has shown any interest in pursuing their allegations, no matter how serious or well-substantiated. In the end, we will likely never know what is hidden in Obama's background. But his piecemeal release of selected documents of questionable authenticity only casts more doubt on his past and continues to fuel the Birther movement. Considering his current standing in the polls, it's impact on the 2012 elections could be decisive.

As for Cook's dismissive response to the issue, New Hampshire might think about a new state motto. Instead of "Live free or die," the legislators might consider "Let sleeping dogs lie."


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