Items on this page are archived in
chronological order.
During the preparation of this page,
I discovered that all of the newspaper links from the Hawaiian and
Chicago newspapers that I had embedded during 2007 and 2008, had been
broken. Obama's sycophants in the ObamaMedia has scrubbed the
original source references.
-- 1956 To 1960 -- Prologue
Known as
Stanley Ann,
Obama's mother, was a strong-willed, unconventional member of the
Island High School graduating class of 1960. She
spent 8th grade through high school there and graduated with a
3.35 grade-point average. Here is her
application for a Social Security card, submitted when she was 16.
Stanley Ann Dunham was issued
Social Security number 535-40-8522.
Curious and precocious, Stanley Ann Dunham was
greatly influenced by left-wing and communist
teachers in the Mercer Island High School, who had the students read
the philosophers Sartre and Kierkegaard, "The Communist Manifesto" and
question the existence of God. Stanley Ann touted herself as an atheist.
Mercer Island High was a hotbed of pro-Marxist radical teachers.
John Stenhouse, board member,
testified before the House Un-American Activities Subcommittee that
he had been a member of the Communist Party USA and the school had a
number of Marxists on its staff. Two teachers at this school, Val Foubert and Jim Wichterman, both
Frankfurt School style Marxists,
taught a critical theory curriculum to students which included;
rejection of societal norms, attacks on Christianity, the traditional
family, and assigned readings by Karl Marx. The hallway between
Foubert’s and Wichterman classrooms was called "anarchy ally."
Dunham gravitated toward an intellectual clique. According to
former classmate Chip Wall, she caught foreign films at Seattle's only
art-house theater, the Ridgemont, and trekked to University District
coffee shops like the Encore to talk about jazz, the value of learning
from other cultures and the "very dull Eisenhower-ness of our parents."
"We were critiquing America in those days in the same way we are today:
The press is dumbed-down, education is dumbed down, people don't know
anything about geography or the rest of the world," said Wall, who later
taught at Mercer Island High and is now retired in Seattle.
A high school classmate
described Stanley Ann as "a fellow traveler. . . . We
were liberals before we knew what liberals were."
The descriptive, "fellow traveler," was
first applied to non-communists
who were inclined toward the views of the Communist Party by Leon
Trotsky in his 1924 book "Literature and Revolution."
Hawaii -- 1960 -- Hawaii
In 1960, Anna's father supposedly found a better opportunity at a furniture store in Hawaii
and moved his family to Honolulu. The Dunhams originally lived at
2277 Kamehameha Ave., before moving to 2234 University Ave.
Beginning that summer (1960), with the family's move
to Hawaii, Stanley Ann entered her "beatnik" period.
Madelyn would later rise to be a vice president in the escrow department
of the Bank of Hawaii. She was also known to
volunteer at the Oahu Circuit Court Probate Department. In
the early 70s, Stanley would become an insurance salesman.
When Ann Dunham
arrived in Hawaii, she was a full fledged radical leftist and
practitioner of critical theory.
From this letter
letter from the Registrar of the University of Hawaii, we can conclude that
Stanley Ann began classes at the
University of Hawaii at Manoa on September
26, 1960, the beginning of the fall semester.
That's all we KNOW about Stanley
Ann Dunham for the next ten months, a period I refer to as the "wonder
years," because, with the millions of words written about this period --
and these people -- I wonder what really happened -- nobody really KNOWS.
Hawaii -- 1960 -- Senior
an intimate relationship with the
Marxist, Barack Obama of
Kenya, existed, it clearly began in October, 1960 -- within weeks of the
beginning of the fall semester.
Based on the Kenyan's documented history at the
University of Hawaii
and Harvard,
Obama bedded everything he could get his hands on, so Stanley Ann, who hadn't had a
boyfriend in high school and was
seventeen years old would have been easy pickings.
The legend is that they metin a Russian-language course -- at a time when the
Russian language was inextricably mixed up with communism.
McCabe, the University of Hawaii's foreign student adviser, raised the
first questions about the Kenyan's womanizing. In April 1961,
McCabe called immigration officials and expressed her concerns.
In a memo written by Lyle H. Dahling, an administrator in the Immigration
and Naturalization Service’s (INS) Honolulu office,
McCabe told the INS office that Obama, "has been running around with
several girls since he first arrived here and last summer she cautioned
him about his playboy ways. [Obama] replied that he would 'try' to
stay away from the girls," according to the memo.
If the
Kenyan is Obama's father, it's a safe bet that it was the result of a
brief fling -- a one night stand -- rather than a romantic relationship,
since it is documented that he "has been running around
with several girls" in April, 1961.
Hawaii -- 1961 -- Obama's Life Beard
I routinely refer to the
socialist, ex congress-critter,
and current Governor of Hawaii,
Neil Abercrombie, as
Obama's "life beard," because Abercrombie is the only human being on the
planet to put the Kenyan and Stanley Ann Dunham in the
same room together. The first time that there was any
real witnesses to a relationship between the two was in 1971, when Senior
mysteriously showed
up in Hawaii,
"to attend to family business."
The Abercrombie
brothers, Neil and then Hal, had escaped the darkness of Buffalo, NY, to
attend graduate school in Honolulu. Along with their friends Peter
Gilpin, Chet Gorman, and Pake Zane, they
hung out at the "snack bar" in an old Army-barracks-style building
near their business classes drinking beer and pontificating. They fancied themselves as
intellectuals, experimenters, outsiders, somewhere between beatniks and
It was there, that they met Barack Hussein Obama Sr.
The group was immediately taken by the one and only African student in
their midst. "He was very black, probably the blackest person I've
ever met," recalled Zane, a Chinese-Hawaiian, who now runs an antiques
shop a few miles from the university.
Members of the snack bar
crowd don't remember the Obama-Dunham relationship. In this
report, Hal Abercrombie said he never saw them together. Pake
Zane could not recall Ann from those days but had precise memories of
However, Abercrombie claims that Anna was part of those regular gatherings and
was "the original feminist." He has said he remembered her
appearing at some of the weekend gatherings. Obama was such a
strong personality, he said, that he could see how the young woman was
awed and overwhelmed by him.
"She was a girl, and what I mean by
that is she was only 17, just out of high school. And he
brought her at different times. She mostly observed because she
was a kid. Everybody there was pretty high-powered grad-student
Maybe everybody else, including his own brother, was
drunk all the time.
Neil Abercrombie has continually provided his
imprimatur to the "legend of Barack and Stanley." In July, 2009,
Abercrombie attempted to
sneak language into an innocuous resolution celebrating Hawaii’s
statehood anniversary that affirmed Hawaii was Barack Obama’s
Hawaii -- 1961 -- Marriage Of
Stanley Ann And The Kenyan
It never happened.
The legend is Stanley
Ann and the Kenyan were married on the island of Maui on February 2,
Obama, himself, tells us that
his alleged father and mother’s wedding
may not have been
properly documented. In the fable, "Dreams...," Obama (with a
little help from Bill Ayers) wrote:
"How and when the
marriage occurred remains a bit murky, a bill of particulars that I
have never quite had the courage to explore. There's no record of a
real wedding, a cake, a ring, a giving away of the bride. No
families were in attendance; it's not even clear that people back in
Kansas were informed."
"May not have been properly documented."
How quaint!
There's a lot of that, "not properly documented," stuff in Obama's life.
Michelle Obama is much more direct in her portrayal of the mythical
She said Barry's own mother was "very
young and very single when she had him."
There is no wedding license. There is no state-issued wedding
certificate. There is no prima facie evidence of a marriage --
Now the Kenyan may have convinced Stanley Ann that
dancing naked and barking at the moon was the traditional Kenyan
marriage ceremony, but I doubt even that.
There are three
documents in
the Kenyan's INS file that inquire about his marital
status. He leaves
this one (6/10/63), and
this one (not dated -- post 8/61) unanswered. On the second
document, he claims one child --
(Abongo). On a
third document (8/31/61) there's an entry stating he's married to "Ann S.
Dunham." It's written in a different pen and handwriting (look at
that capital "A") than the rest of the document, and in a text box that has
been altered.
Some people point to the
William Wood note, as evidence of a marriage, but the facts
contained in that note suggest it is another fraudulent document.
Stanley Ann wasn't planning to attend the winter session at the
University of Washington in August 1961 -- she was
already in Seattle,
enrolled in the University of Washington and attending classes, as of
8/19/1961 -- two weeks before the note was allegedly written.
I would argue that this note --
the only handwritten note in the Kenyan's INS file -- was inserted into
the INS file as part of Team Obama's conspiracy.
It's my belief
that the stunned Dunham's shuttled Stanley Ann off to parts unknown as
soon as they discovered they were about to be the proud grandparents of
a little African.
Remember, this was 1960-1961, even liberals
weren't THAT liberal!
Unknown -- 1961 -- Stanley Ann Disappears
It is easy to demonstrate that Stanley Ann was
not in Hawaii during the first part of 1961. She stopped attending
classes at the University. According to the records of the
University of Hawaii, Stanley Ann
dropped out at the end of the fall semester.
know the Dunhams were
still living at 2277 Kamehameha Ave. --
a few blocks from the university. If
Stanley Ann was in Hawaii, and living with her parents as the Wood note
suggests, it would be reasonable to conclude she would
have continued with her studies. She would have completed the
spring semester around her sixth month. Even pregnant, she could
have easily finished out her freshman year.
So where was
The Kenyan had moved
from 1482 Alencastre St., and was living in a small, single story wooden
home located at 625 11th Ave., located in the St. Louis Heights area.
Senior remained at 625 11th Avenue until he left Hawaii on June 22,1962 --
immediately after his after graduation.
Based on
Sumi McCabe's
complaints to the INS, it is reasonable to conclude that the
Kenyan was still tomcating around and there is absolutely no evidence
that Stanley Ann ever shared those quarters.
And according to the
famous "birth announcements," Stanley Ann and the Kenyan
living as a couple at the upscale 6085 Kalaniana'ole Highway, in a
small bungalow behind the main house.
The problem
is, Orland Scott Lefforge owned and occupied the house at 6085
Kalanianaole Highway. The "Obamas" didn't live there. Mrs.
Lefforge just happened to die 10 days prior to the appearance of the
birth announcement that listed her address, so we can’t ask her, but we
do know that the next door neighbor told investigators that, "his mama,
and his papa never lived there."
Beatrice Arakaki affirmed she
was a neighbor of the address listed. She has lived at her current
residence of 6075 Kalanianaole Highway from before 1961 to the present.
Mrs. Arakaki told investigators that "his 'mama,' and his 'papa' never
lived there." Arakaki told investigators that she had no
recollection of Obama being born or of the family living next door
having a black child born to a white mother.
Not a shred of
evidence links the Dunhams or Obamas to Kalanianaole Highway.
Kalanianaole only surfaced in connection with the Obamas in July 2008
when the "birth announcements" were revealed.
I don’t think
you'll be seeing a commemorative plaque on the old homestead anytime
We also know Stanley Ann
was in Seattle when those birth announcements were published.
Barack Obama continues to
promote the myth that his alleged father left Stanley Ann and baby
Barry when he was two years old -- that story is just nonsense!
On September 11, 2009, in a
speech to America's schoolchildren, Obama repeated one of his most
flagrant lies from "Dreams...," saying, "My father left my family when I
was 2 years old, and I was raised by a single mom who had to work and
who struggled at times to pay the bills and wasn't always able to give
us the things that other kids had."
If we knew where Stanley Ann was between January 1961 and August 1961,
the mystery of Barack Obama would be solved.
It is entirely
possible Obama doesn't know.
But as soon as the Dunhams were sure
the Kenyan had left the Hawaiian Islands, the Dunhams brought their
daughter home.
Seattle -- 1961 -- It's A Boy!
When it comes to the circumstances of Barack
Obama's birth, the only thing that we can be absolutely sure of
is that Stanley Ann gave birth to a boy -- most likely on August 4, 1961 -- everything else is open to
The two biggest questions are: who was the father
and where was the birthplace?
It is likely that the Kenyan,
Barack Obama, is the
father. After all he was Kenya's Johnny Appleseed,
spreading his seed all over the Island. And as a Marxist, black-African, he was
right up Stanley Ann's alley and the perfect substitute for Harry Belafonte, who Stanley
Ann thought was
best-looking man on the planet.
However, there are
those who argue and some evidence to suggest that
Frank Marshall Davis or
Malcolm X is Obama's father.
But the fact is, without an
independently administered DNA test, we'll never
know for sure who fathered Barack Hussein Obama II.
Unknown -- 1961 -- Who's Your Daddy?
What do you think? Who is Obama's daddy?
Take the poll:
Seattle -- 1961 -- Stanley Ann Resurfaces
And out of the blue, Stanley Ann Dunham, at age 18, shows up
at Mercer Island (outside of Seattle) with a newborn infant for a
"brief" visit.
Was Stanley Ann traveling alone with "Barry" (the name Blake
used), or was she accompanied by her mother, or others? The Kenyan
was still in Hawaii. These are important facts. And the child's name was "Barry" not "Barack."
nor any other Hawaiian hospital, will confirm Obama was born in its
facility or that Stanley Ann Dunham was ever a patient, it is probable,
that if Barack Obama was born in Hawaii,
he was
born at home.
There are
ton of references to Obama having been born in Kenya.
If Obama was born on August 4, 1961, in Kenya, Stanley Ann must
have gone right from the hospital to the airport -- but it's possible?
It is also possible that Dunham actually delivered Barry someplace close
to Mercer Island --
The most compelling case for a Canadian birth is the age
of the infant when Stanley Ann appeared at the home of her high school
Susan Blake shortly after Barry's birth -- unable to change little
Barry's diaper -- and remember, in 1961 women usually stayed in
the hospital for 5 to 7 days after giving birth.
Blake states, in
this interview, that while Stanley was there she stayed with a
friend of Stanley Ann's mother, even borrowed a car to come see Susan.
Was Stanley Ann's mother's friend really Stanley Ann's
Aunt Eleanor?
The Dunhams want to get their daughter, Stanley Ann, away from the
Kenyan, so they shipped the pregnant Stanley Ann off to Aunt
Eleanor in Blaine Washington -- a little more than
miles from Seattle. When she goes
into labor, they have to
run to
White Rock to the nearest maternity hospital. Madelyn Dunham
finds out that the child is born in Canada, and immediately files a
"born at Home" birth application to secure American Citizenship for her
grandson. Might not be true, but it sounds more believable
than the stuff Obama has proffered in his book.
Regardless of where Stanley Ann and the infant Barry were on August
4, 1961, they were in Seattle in time for Stanley Ann to register for classes at
the University of Washington using a Capitol Hill apartment address, and
to begin classes on August 19th -- 15 days after Barack's birth (Reference
Reference B).
Dunham and her new son
lived in
Apartment 2 of the Villa Ria Apartments at 516 13th Avenue E on Capitol
Hill. It was a
three-story house that had been converted into three
inexpensive apartments. Mrs. Toutonghi, the landlord, and her family lived in the basement apartment, and Ann
Dunham -- Obama's mother -- lived in the apartment directly
There was another
sighting by
Barbara Cannon Rusk: "I had moved to Utah for a while
after high school, and I came back to Seattle in the summer of 1962.
I remember visiting the World's Fair, and then stopping by Stanley
Ann's apartment on Capitol Hill. It was a small apartment,
upstairs. It was after June, and could have been as late as
September, 1962. I visited her for half a day or so. It
was a..."
Between August, 1961 and March 1962, Stanley Ann enrolled in a
total of four extension courses at the University of Washington (records), earning
a total of 20 credits for her work in those courses, no small feat,
considering that graduation required 180 credits, and the typical full
time student earned 45 credits a year.
There is no information about the
whereabouts of Stanley Ann and Barry from the March 1992 until she
returns to Hawaii and enrolls in the spring semester of the University
of Hawaii.
Unknown -- 1961 -- Where Were You Born?
What do you think? Where was Obama born?
Take the poll:
Hawaii -- 1963 To
1967-- University Of Hawaii
Here's some information from
Atlas Shrugs about Stanley Ann and the mid-1960's.
It appears that
Stanley Ann settles down a little after returning to Hawaii and the university. When Obama was almost 2,
Ann returned to college at the University of Hawaii for the spring
semester. Money was tight. She collected food
stamps and relied on her parents to help take care of young Barack.
She would get her bachelor's degree four years later.
believe the apartment, located at 110 1427 Alexander St., was rented for
Stanley Ann and Barack Jr. by her parents upon her return from WA state. She remained
there until just before she registered for spring classes at UH at Manoa
in 1963.
She filed for divorce from Senior, and would ultimately receive receives a degree in mathematics.
According to this blog, Atlas reader Rudy emailed both the University
of Washington and the University of Hawaii, and they sent him back dates
of enrollment. It didn't match the dates Wikipedia had for Stanley Ann
Dunham. Bob tried to update Wikipedia and his updates got deleted within
Here's an email that was returned
from the University of Hawaii in September, 2008:
Ms. Stanley Ann Dunham was enrolled at the University of Hawaii
Autumn 1961
Winter 1962
Spring 1962
And here's a letter that was
from the University of Hawaii in November, 2008:
"The University of Hawaii at Manoa is only able to provide the
following information for Stanley Ann Dunham:
Dates of attendance: Bachelors:
Fall 1960 (First day of instruction 9/26/1960)
Spring 1963 -- Summer 1966 Masters:
Fall 1972 -- Fall 1974
Summer 1976
Spring 1978 Ph. D.:
Fall 1984 -- Summer 1992
Degrees awarded:
BA - Mathematics, Summer 1967 (August 6, 1967)
MA - Anthropology, Fall 1983 (December 18, 1983)
PhD - Anthropology, Summer 1992 (August 9, 1992)
Assuming these email responses were true, the University of Hawaii
has Stanley Ann starting class in Sept 26, 1960 and dropping out for the spring
semester (while pregnant). She then re-enrolled at the University
of Washington in the autumn of 1961, just after Obama was born.
Obama Sr. was still at the University of Hawaii, and graduated in 1962
while Stanley Ann was at University of Washington.
Hawaii --
1965 -- Stanley Ann Marries
Lolo Soetoro
Little Barry was only 4 years old, not the
"7 year old" lie in Obama's mythical "Dreams..." narrative.
Hawaii --
1967 -- Barry Enters Noelani
began his education in Hawaii's public schools. He was enrolled in
Ms. Sakai’s kindergarten class at Noelani Elementary School in 1967.
He was only there a couple or three months before he was off to
click image for large photo
The first little boy in the third row, left is "Barry Obama."
Obama’s sister Maya Soetoro-Ng confirms that the boy is Obama.
The two white girls in the same row are probably the
Nordyke twins.
Here's a surprise! Hawaii's Department of Education has been unable to find his
Kindergarten records.
Hawaii --
1967 -- Noelani Mystery
Noelani Elementary School Kindergarten
records, oddly missing from
the State of Hawaii Department of Education -- just one more
coincidence in a series of "coincidences."
Kelli Abe
Trifonovitch writes, "...the Department of Education has been unable to
find his records."
Although Obama has had
a first-class education that spanned 25 years, there is only a single
document that has ever been released, the application for entrance to
the Franciscus Assisi Primary School (next
item) -- and that document was discovered by independent investigators.
This is an important feature because Kindergarten records for
original school entry would have contained the following:
Obama's REAL Birth Certificate.
2. An application with the
• His Legal name.
• Parents or Legal Guardians’ names.
• Date of Birth
• Place of Birth
• Vaccination Records (revealing a timeline to the place and DOB.)
It also is important for two additional reasons:
A. The Department of Education does not "lose" the records of one
particular student. (So, who paid whom what sum to make this record
B. There would have been NO shameful low-test scores,
NO embarrassing Equal Opportunity advancements, and NO trails of
fraudulent funding to hide that could possibly "excuse" the quashing of
public school Kindergarten entry records. For the rest of his life he
attended very expensive private schools and has had his records legally
sealed to deny the public his true life story.
This is
different. Hawaii should be able to verify he attended their school
since he is featured in class photographs. State and federal tax
dollars paid for his initial year of education. Why is there no
This is the beginning of an intentionally erased
life of a fraud and conman and it reeks of complicity by officials
within the State of Hawaii’s Dept. of Health and Dept. of Education.
Obama joked during the primary campaign that his opponent (Hillary)
was even digging into his Kindergarten records. He knows what they
would contain and why they must be kept unavailable.
Lolo Soetoro and Stanley Ann were having difficulties that would only explain the removal of
Barry from her passport in 1968 especially since the Indonesian Government
in Soetoro’s words, any American, was in jeopardy there in Indonesia due
to the anti-American feelings" is shown at
page 103 of the U.S. Government memo of January 12, 1966 with pages
marked 77 through 80 therein at page 78 regarding Lolo Soetoros request for a INA section 212(e) waiver and two year extension
for his stay in the USA with Ann Soetoro, (that according to the US
Government document of August 6, 1968 all three returned to Indonesia on
July 20, 1966); Soetoro states:
"Most importantly, anti-American feeling has reached a feverish pitch
under the direction of the Indonesian communist party, and I have been
advised by both family and friends in Indonesia that it would be
dangerous to endeavor to return with my wife at the present time.
Of secondary importance is the fact that my wife does not yet speak
Indonesian. Not only would she be forced to cut short her college
education, but she would be left in a position of isolation in the
In 1967, he would return to Indonesia, along with his new family, completed
his military commitment and become an oil company
In Obama's account of this move, he
states his mother was shocked to discover how her new husband reverted
to chauvinist Indonesian ways as soon as he left America and that
Indonesia was a nasty right-wing dictatorship (although the latter
doesn’t jibe with her spending much of the rest of her life in that
In "Dreams," he inadvertently sheds some light on his formative years
and the
political views of his mother, an anthropologist and Islamophile who
hated America and subsequently goes native.
filed for divorce in 1980. As with Obama's father, she kept in
regular contact with Lolo and did not pursue alimony or child support,
according to divorce records.
Lolo died in 1987.
Indonesia --
1967 -- Jakarta
Barry Soetoro, his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, and
his Indonesian stepfather, Lolo Soetoro,
moved into a one-story house in a district called Menteng-Dalam.
At the time, it was a new neighborhood where natives of Jakarta, known
as Betawis, lived with an increasing number of newcomers from different
corners of Java and Sumatra, the main islands in Indonesia. The
area was connected to the electric grid only a couple of years before
Obama moved in.
The Soetoro house in Jakarta, Indonesia, and the bedroom that Obama
shared with a houseboy
"It was a very poor area when the family came
here," said Coenraad Satjakoesoemah, 79, a retired airline manager and a
neighborhood leader. "There were still dirt roads, only a few
houses and lots of large trees."
In Satjakoesoemah’s living
room, Obama’s mother taught English to the neighborhood women, including
his wife, Djumiati.While the residents regarded Obama’s mother as a
"free spirit," Barry, who was chubby, was referred to as the "boy who
runs like a duck," said Mrs. Satjakoesoemah, 69.
Obama’s family stayed instead in a
humble neighborhood called Matraman-Dalam, on a short block of
single-story, detached houses, a stone’s throw from a traditional
Indonesian neighborhood of narrow, winding streets.
family rented the guest house inside a compound belonging to a prominent
physician. There, according to the neighborhood’s longtime
residents, the young Obama, who had already experienced differences in
class and religion in his short stay in Indonesia, was exposed to
another aspect of Jakarta’s diversity.
His nanny was an openly
gay man who, in keeping with Indonesia’s relaxed attitudes toward
homosexuality, carried on an affair with a local butcher, longtime
residents said. The nanny later joined a group of transvestites
called Fantastic Dolls, who, like the many transvestites who remain
fixtures of Jakarta’s streetscape, entertained people by dancing and
playing volleyball.
was known as the "boy who runs like a duck." With a transvestite
nanny and sharing his room with a "houseboy," it's no wonder!
Indonesia -- 1967 -- Lolo Was Liaison To The
Suharto Regime
Lolo Soetoro had been an
official of the Director General s office in the TNI Topography
division of the Indonesian Army. He later becomes an executive
with American Mobil Corporation, where he was a key liaison between the
oil company and the Suharto regime. Suharto had been installed as the
American friendly Indonesian President in 1967.
Obama writes,
"Looking back, I'm not sure Lolo ever fully understood what my mother
was going through ... why the things he was working so hard to provide
for her seemed only to increase the distance between them ... He landed
a job in the government relations department of an American oil company.
... Sometimes I would overhear him and my mother arguing in their
bedroom, usually about her refusal to attend his company dinner parties,
where American businessmen from Texas and Louisiana would slap Lolo's
back and boast about the palms they had greased to obtain the new
offshore drilling rights, while their wives complained to my mother
about the quality of Indonesian help. He would ask her how it
would look for him to go alone, and remind her that these were her own
people, and my mother's voice would rise to almost a shout."
"They [the Americans] are not my people!"
There was at
least the suggestion of
violent discord between them. When Anna refused to go with her
husband to socialize with American executives in Jakarta when he was
working for an Indonesian oil company, and after coming home late from a
teaching job servants saw her with a towel covering up blood on her
face, although nobody ever confirmed any domestic violence.
Indonesia -- 1967 -- Was Barry Adopted?
Obama arrived in Indonesia at about the age of
five according to most accounts, although it was possible he arrived at
the age of six, according to a few sources. At some time, Lolo Soetoro
adopted Barry, and Barry would have automatically become an Indonesian citizen according to the country’s laws in the
1960’s, which stipulated any child is immediately granted Indonesian citizenship upon
completion of the adoption process.
we know that Barry was adopted by Lolo Soetoro.
His half-sister Maya stated so publically.
As evidence that an adoption
occurred, there are the following artifacts:
1. The registration document from
the Roman Catholic, Franciscus Assisi Primary School (next item), in Jakarta,
Indonesia. Barry Soetoro is registered as a "citizen" of
2. According to Indonesian legal experts, only Indonesian citizens could
attend state-operated public schools, and Barry would attend two of them.
3. In the divorce
documents (page1 and
page2), Lolo Soetoro is
described as "father" -- "husband has not contributed to support of wife
and children" -- "oldest child in university" -- and this curious note,
"both mother and child are U. S. citizens while father an Indonesian
We know from the Stanley Ann/Lolo 1980 divorce
documents that "the parties" were the parents of one child under 18
[Maya] and one child over 18 but still dependent on the parties for his
education [Barry]. The divorce was filed/granted in Hawaii. That Barry
was adopted by Lolo Soetoro is
not in the realm of speculation. It is fact.
There is accumulating evidence that Anna was something
of an expert at taking advantage living abroad, while carefully keeping
one foot in the US of A for herself and her children.
"The Indonesian Citizenship Law states that
children's citizenship is derived solely from the citizenship of the
father. Children of citizen mothers and foreign fathers are
considered foreigners and require visas to remain in the country until
the age of 18, at which time they may apply for citizenship. They
are prohibited from attending public schools and must attend private,
international schools, which usually are more expensive."
U. S. State Department
Indonesia -- 1967 -- Plenty Of Clues
Christopher Strunk, who in November 2008
requested copies of Obama’s mother’s
passport file from the State
Department under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), finally received
a response which includes 12 pages of documents.
document P2, the second page of that document, In her own handwriting,
Anna wrote in the block
named "Amend to Include (Exclude) Children" the name of her son Barack
Hussein Obama, and then right below his Indonesian name, spelled and
in parenthesis as (Soebarkah), presumably to allow Obama (Soebarkah) to
travel as a minor under her passport..
This entry (full image
here) has 5 diagonal line
strike-through lines across the entry. Now, why? Well, why
would a name on a passport renewal be struck out?
If one looks
at page of the application (full image
here), there is a clue:
The second block, below the "WARNING" block
"I have not (and no other person included or
to be included in the passport or documentation has), since
acquiring United States citizenship, been naturalized as a
citizen of a foreign state; taken an oath or made an affirmation
or other formal declaration of allegiance to a foreign state;
entered or served in the armed forces... "
any of the above-mentioned acts or conditions have been
performed by or apply to the applicant, or to any person
included in the passport or documentation, the portion which
applies should be struck out, and a supplementary explanatory
statement under oath (or affirmation) by the person to whom the
portion is applicable should be attached and made a part of this
What can be extrapolated from this is that Obama
was, in fact, adopted by Lolo Soetoro, making Obama a citizen of
Indonesia, a fact supported by the
the Fransiscus Assisi school
document that identifies
Barry Soetoro as an Indonesian citizen and his religion was identified
as Islam.
As time passes, and more nad more clues surface, it is
becoming apparent that Barack Obama was, indeed, a citizen of Indonesia,
by adoption, and probably a holder of an Indonesian passport.
The "An American Expat in
Southeast Asia" blog reports that Obama's
Indonesian schooling began when he was
entered into the Roman Catholic, Franciscus Assisi Primary School, in
Jakarta, Indonesia, on January 1, 1968 and sat in class 1B. His
teacher has been identified as Fermina Katarina Sinaga (translation,
next item).
He was
registered under the name of Barry Soetoro, serial number 203.
The school registration document
identifies Barry Soetoro as an Indonesian citizen and his
religion was identified as Islam.
This registration
document, made available on Jan. 24, 2007, by the Fransiscus Assisi
school in Jakarta, Indonesia, shows the registration of Barack Obama
under the name Barry Soetoro into the Catholic school made by his
step-father, Lolo Soetoro. The document lists Barry Soetoro as a
Indonesian citizen, born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, and shows his
Muslim step-father listed the boy's religion as Islam.
Click for larger image
The Obama Campaign claims that the "Muslim" entry references the
religion of the father, which is absurd. Every other entry on the
document relates to Obama. The attributes on the document describe
Obama, the child, not Lolo, the stepfather.
Born on August 4, 1961, Obama would have been 7 years and 5 months old. That's late to start school. Obama will
always be 2 years older than his classmates.
Obama may have started Kindergarten in Hawaii but was whisked off to
Indonesia as a result of his mother's second marriage. There are 5
missing years in Anna's CV between Obama Sr. abandoning the family and
her emigration to Indonesia with Lolo.
Unknown -- 1967 -- What's your status?
What do you think? Was little Barry adopted?
Take the poll:
Obama then entered the Besuki
Primary School, a state school. He was enrolled as Indonesian
Soetoro, Muslim. He would attend Besuki for two years.
Iis Darmawan,
63, Obama's teacher, remembers him as an exceptionally tall and curly
haired child who quickly picked up the local language and had sharp math
skills. "He wrote an essay titled, 'I
Want To Become President,'" the teacher said. Here
are Barry's
school records:
Indonesia -- 1968 -- A Hidden Memory reports
that at the time Barry Soetoro was in Indonesia, all Indonesian students
were required to carry government identity cards or Karty Tanda
Pendudaks, as well as family card identification called a Kartu Keluarga.
The Kartu Keluarga is a family card which bears the legal names and
citizenship status of all family members.
Soetoro/Obama was
registered in a public school as an Indonesian citizen by the name of
Barry Soetoro and his father was listed as Lolo Soetoro, M.A.
Indonesia did not allow foreign students to attend their public schools
in the late 1960’s or 1970’s, and any time a child was registered for a
public school, the child’s name and citizenship status were verified
through the Indonesian Government. See Constitution of Republic of
Indonesia (Undang-Undang Dasar Republik Indonesia 1945), Chapter 13, Law
No. 62 of 1958 (all citizens of Indonesia have a right to education).
The Indonesian school record, indicates that Soetoro/Obama’s name is
"Barry Soetoro;" his nationality is "Indonesia" and his father "Lolo
Soetoro, M.A. There was no way for Soetoro/Obama to have attended
school in Jakarta, Indonesia legally unless he was an Indonesian
citizen, as Indonesia was under tight rule and was a Police State.
See Constitution of Republic of Indonesia (Undang-Undang Dasar Republik
Indonesia 1945), Law No. 62 of 1958. These facts indicate that
young Barry was/is an Indonesian citizen, and therefore he is not
eligible to be President of the United States.
Under Indonesian
law, when a male acknowledges a child as his son, it deems the son, in
this case Soetoro/Obama, an Indonesian State citizen. See
Constitution of Republic of Indonesia, Law No. 62 of 1958 concerning
Immigration Affairs and Indonesian Civil Code (Kitab Undang-undang Hukum
Perdata) (KUHPer) (Burgerlijk Wetboek voor Indonesie).
Furthermore, under the Indonesian adoption law, once an Indonesian
citizen adopts a child, the adoption severs the child’s relationship to
the birth parents, and the adopted child is given the same status as a
natural child and the child takes the name of his step-father, in this
case, Soetoro. See Indonesian Constitution, Article 2.
Indonesian citizenship law was designed to prevent apatride (stateless)
or bipatride (dual) citizenship. Indonesian regulations recognized
neither apatride nor bipatride (stateless or dual) citizenship.
Since Indonesia did not allow dual citizenship; neither did the United
States (since the United States only permitted dual citizenship when
'both' countries agree); and since young Barry was a "natural" citizen
of Indonesia, the United States would not step in or interfere with the
laws of Indonesia. Hague Convention of 1930.
As a result of
Soetoro/Obama’s Indonesian "natural" citizenship status, Soetoro/Obama
could never regain U.S. "natural born" status, if he in fact he ever
held such, which we doubt. Soetoro/Obama could have only become
"naturalized" if the proper paperwork were filed with the U.S. State
Department, after going through U.S. Immigration upon his return to the
United States; in which case, Soetoro/Obama would have received a
Certification of Citizenship indicating "naturalized."
Indonesia -- 1968 -- Mates
In 2007, classmate
Rony Amiris
described young Barry as enjoying
football and playing marbles and of being a very devout Muslim. Amir said,
"Barry was previously quite religious in Islam."
"We previously often asked him to the prayer room close to the house.
If he was wearing a sarong he looked funny," said Rony.
Amiris now the manager of the Bank Mandiri, Jakarta,
recently said, "Barry was previously quite
religious in Islam. His birth father, Barack Hussein Obama was a
Muslim economist from Kenya. Before marrying Ann Dunham, Hussein
Obama was married to a woman from Kenya who had seven children.
All the relatives of Barry's father were very devout Muslims"
Rony extrapolates further, that Obama at one point had to change his
religion if he ever intended later to run for the office of President of
the United States because America would never elect a Muslim to the be
President of the United States.
Also in 2007, Emirsyah
Satar, CEO of Garuda Indonesia, was
quoted as saying, "He (Obama) was often in the
prayer room wearing a 'sarong', at that time."
"He was quite religious in Islam but only after marrying Michelle, he
changed his religion."
Australia -- 1969 --Barry Had A Passport
And Was Traveling
visited Australia as a boy according to a report by The Australian News. Brad Norington writes, "Obama
visited Australia as a boy when he passed through Sydney from Indonesia,
where he lived with his mother for four years, during trips to visit his
grandparents in Hawaii."
"He is said to have enjoyed his stops in
Sydney, especially the beaches."
We know Barry wasn't on his
mother's passport, so this tells us that
Barack Obama had a passport of his own. The question is, was it an
American passport or an Indonesian passport?
It is important to discover whether or not based upon Stanley Ann's’ August
13, 1968 Passport Renewal Application to DoS shown as
page 3 and
page 4 of Stanley Ann excluded Saebarkah Soetoro (BHO)from her Passport of July 19, 1965;
and therefore, left no way for Barry who is presumed to also have the
right to an Indonesian Passport under Lolo Soetoro to reenter the USA
with Stanley Ann except by use of the expired July 19, 1965 passport.
-- 1969 -- Barry's In Hawaii
In December, 2009, the Honolulu Star Bulletin published
an article (since scrubbed) revealing that Obama spent at least part of
third grade at Noelani Elementary
School in Hawaii, and not solely in Jakarta, Indonesia, as has
been widely reported.
The article contained a
photograph with the inscription, "Barry, 3rd Grade, 1969.
The picture was sent to Barack Obama by his friend and schoolmate,
Scott Inoue.
Inoue said that he received the photo back from
Barack Obama in November 2009. Barack Obama
had signed
the note in the upper right corner.
Scott and Barry 3rd grade 1969
This was the first account of
Obama being in the 3rd grade -- and in Hawaii? He was supposed to be in
Indonesia -- the report contradicts Obama's own autobiography, as well
as multiple biographies, that say he attended grades 1 through 5 in
Jakarta, Indonesia.
In the "thank you" note -- there is no personal
comment or allusion to the 3rd grade photo, so I don't read that
response from "Sincerely, Barack Obama" as an
acknowledgement, by Obama, that he attended 3rd grade at Noelani in 1969
-- it's like all the other questions -- ignored!
It's safe to
assume that these Noelani school
records are also among the missing.
Indonesia --
1970 -- Sister Maya
half-sister, Maya Kassandra Soetoro, was
born on August 15, 1970, in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Anna registered her birth as "born
in Honolulu" shortly after her birth, as well. Maya
would have a State of Hawaii Certification of Live Birth (COLB), just like the
one Obama posted on the Internet.
It is she who
places Obama in
Jakarta, Indonesia, from 1967 through 1971, and
it was Maya, who has said that Obama was legally adopted by her father,
Lolo Soetoro.
Maya also said, "There was always a
joke between my mom and Barack that he
would be the first black president."
Maya would also attend the private Punahou School.
Indonesia -- 1970 -- The Fourth
Sometime in the
third grade, Barry's family moved to a different part of the city,
and Barry transferred to Elementary School Menteng 1, possibly the most
famous primary school in Indonesia. Founded as a Dutch colonial school in
1934, it has long drawn the children of the country’s ruling class
because of its location in Menteng, traditionally the wealthiest
residential neighborhood in Jakarta.
Nowadays, though many
wealthy Indonesians send their children to international schools, but
the Menteng public school still draws the children of the elite, so much
so that the principal, Hasimah, said she could "count on one hand" the
students, out of a total of 400, who are not driven to school every day
by their parents or drivers.
His third grade teacher, Fermina Katarina Sinaga, now 67, asked her
class to write an essay titled "My dream: What I want to be in the
Obama wrote "I want to be a President,"
she said.
Indonesia -- 1970 -- Quranic
All Indonesian students
are required to study religion at school and a young Barry Soetoro,
being registered as a Muslim, would have been
required to study Islam daily in school.
He would have been taught to read and write Arabic, to recite his
prayers properly, to read and recite from the Quran and to study the
laws of Islam.
In his autobiography, "Dreams From My Father," Obama mentions studying
the Quran and describes the public school as "a Muslim school."
"In the Muslim school, the
teacher wrote to tell mother I made faces during Koranic studies."
According to
Tine Hahiyary,
one of Obama's teachers and the
principal from 1971 through 1989, Barry actively took part in the
Islamic religious lessons during his time at the school. His
teacher was named Maimunah and she lived in the Puncak area, the Cianjur
"I remembered that he had studied 'mengaji' (recitation of the Quran)"
Tine said.
guy in Jakarta writes: "The actual usage of the word 'mengaji' in
Indonesian and Malaysian societies means the study of learning to recite
the Quran in the Arabic language rather than the native tongue. "Mengagi"
is a word and a term that is accorded the highest value and status in
the mindset of fundamentalist societies here in Southeast Asia. To
put it quite simply, 'mengaji classes' are not something that a non
practicing or so-called moderate Muslim family would ever send their
child to. To put this in a Christian context, this is something
above and beyond simply enrolling your child in Sunday school classes."
"The fact that Obama had attended mengaji classes is well known in
Indonesia and has left many there wondering just when Obama is going to
come out of the closet." As Plato said, the images and
stories we feed our children affect them for life.
"As I've stated before, the evidence seems to quite clearly show that
both Ann Dunham and her husband Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo were in fact
devout Muslims themselves and they raised their son as such."
Obama's half-sister, Maya, recalled that the family attended the mosque
"for big communal events," and "Obama occasionally followed his
stepfather to the mosque for Friday prayers."
On January 24, 2007, the Obama campaign released the following
statement, "To be clear, Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was
not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian who attends the United
Church of Christ in Chicago.
Hawaii -- 1971 --
A Pivotal Moment
In the fall of 1971, the Dunham's had somehow organized a scholarship to the prestigious Punahou School for young Barry "Saebarkah" Soetoro.
The problem? The scholarship was for an American -- and it began in
three months.
Hawaii -- 1971 -- The Drop
So, in October, 1971, Stanley Ann hurriedly took Barry
back to Hawaii to live with her parents, who
had moved into a modest two-bedroom Honolulu apartment, at 1617 S. Beretania
St., in order to
save money for Obama’s expenses
attending Punahou. Madelyn would
live at that address until her death on November 2nd, 2008.
It appears from the cross comparison on both the
Customs and DOS FOIA
released documents that on October 20, 1971 Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro and Barry
"Saebarkah" Soetoro together boarded Pan Am
Airlines Flight 812 unaccompanied by Lolo M. Soetoro in Djakarta
Indonesia and arrived in Honolulu Hawaii on October 21, 1971 and sought
entry into the USA on an expired Passport that was issued on July 19, 1965.
Hawaii -- 1971 -- The Plan
So the Dunhams and Stanley Ann conceived of a
plan to provide provenance for Barry. Have the Kenyan, Barack
Obama, who is broke, "adopt" Barry Soetoro for a sum of money
-- and there was no reason for Lolo to know any of it. There were
advantages to having roots in two places.
Abercrombie had
recently traveled to Kenya, saw the Kenyan, and was in position to broker the deal.
-- 1971 -- Conditions In Kenya
Beginning in the late sixties, as the Kenyatta regime became the
subject of increasing controversy, Obama Sr. found many of his
colleagues distancing themselves from him. He, in turn, took his
anger out on his wife, Ruth, according to several of his friends, and
his marriage began to deteriorate.
In July, 1969,
Tom Mboya, Senior's political mentor
shot twice and died in a pool of blood. Senior testified at
the trial, an act which probably enraged those responsible for Mboya’s
Obama, according to one friend, was convinced he had been targeted
for murder after his testimony.
"He said he had been hit by a car not long ago and left for dead,"
said Pake Zane, 66, who attended the University of Hawaii with Obama and
had not publicly discussed their 1974 conversation until now. "He did
not say specifically who had done it, but he said it was the same people
who killed Mboya."
changed a great deal between 1963 and 1970," said David William
Cohen, former director of the International Institute at the University
of Michigan and a professor of African history. "Anyone brought
into the government with idealism in those early years either exploited
the situation, or was completely frustrated. Obama Sr. did just
what other frustrated intellectuals did at the time, which was to stay
in the bars until their minds go to rot."
Hawaii -- 1971
-- "Family Business"
The Kenyan only saw Barack Obama once in his life,
during this trip, and this is
one of the two photos of Barry and Senior. It was taken
at the airport. The decorations clearly identify the visit as occurring
during the Christmas season -- December 1971. Senior arrived some time in
December 1971 and left some time in January
He described the purpose of the trip as "family business."
At the first sight of Senior, Barry
thought he seemed far skinnier than he had imagined, and more fragile, with
his spectacles and blue blazer and ascot and yellowish eyes. Senior was
recuperating from one of his many car accidents. He had injured his leg
requiring him to use a cane.
So, out of the blue,
Barry's long-lost "father" stepped briefly into his life, and just as quickly
disappeared. Obama and Senior would never see each other again.
It was not an
easy month, and what stuck in the boy's memory was the basketball that Senior
gave him as a present at the airport.
Now, here's the mystery. Why
would Senior fly halfway across the world to make his only visit to his son at
this moment in time?
Remember, this was in the era before the deregulation of the airlines.
Round-trip airplane tickets from Kenya to Hawaii must have cost a small fortune even by
American standards -- much less third-world Kenyan standards.
The Dunhams surely paid for the airline tickets.
We know they paid for an apartment in their building for the month that
Senior was in town, and were undoubtedly providing him with some
walking-around money. The sad truth is Senior spent most of his
with with his old snack bar buddies from the University of Hawaii, Neil
Abercrombie and Pake Zane.
Senior had no money. He
had already fallen into disfavor with the ruling Kenyan government.
His mentor and protector, Tom Mboya, was
assassinated in 1969.
Senior was present at the assassination and testified at the subsequent
trial, essentially ending his political career, and causing a hit and
run attempt on his life. He was
spending most of his time drinking scotch and crashing his
It is clear that the Dunhams underwrote Senior's
visit, but why? It would seem reasonable to
conclude that Senior's pilgrimage had something to do with Barry and Punahou, but what?
What happened in these four weeks? What
was so important that caused Senior to travel 20,000-plus miles? What kind of deal
was made? What papers did he have to sign? Was there a payoff?
The Dunhams were getting ready to put Barry Soetoro
into Punahou. Whatever Senior was doing in Hawaii was connected to
that -- the speculation is that it was to establish or re-establish
paternity to cover up the Indonesian adoption -- and as soon as the paperwork was completed and he got his
payoff he returned to Kenya and never thought about the bunch of them
for the rest of his miserable life.
As an aside, it's pretty clear that the Dunhams
were going all the way for little Barry, and it's equally clear that
Senior couldn't give a rat's ass.
Hawaii -- 1971 -- Repatriation
Strunk alleges from his analysis of Stanley Ann's passport files that in 1971, Barry "Saebarkah" Soetoro, lately
arrived in the USA, was taken to the
Indonesian Embassy in Hawaii to obtain or renew the Indonesian passport
which he later used as part of his college funding program and that in 1981 through 1984 was
used to enter Indonesia,
Pakistan and Afghanistan before attending Columbia University .
We are informed, believe and thereon allege young Barry was never naturalized
in the United States after his return, was ten (10)
years old when he returned to Hawaii to live with his grandparents.
Young Barry’s mother returned with him, but it
appears that she did not reaffirm Barry's citizenship in the
United States. If citizenship for young Barry had been applied
for in 1971, he would have a Certification of Citizenship.
If young Barry returned in 1971 to Hawaii without going through U.S.
Immigration, today he would be an "illegal alien" -- and obviously not
able to serve as president, but also his term as a United States Senator
from Illinois for nearly four (4) years was illegal. We further
believe Soetoro might have reentered the United States at age ten (10)
by showing a copy of his Hawaiian Certification of Live Birth, which he
received when his birth was registered in Hawaii.
In addition, we
have been unable to locate any legal documents wherein Soetoro’s name
was legally changed from Barry Soetoro to Barack Hussein Obama.
Soetoro/Obama’s silence on these issues is deafening.
-- 1971 -- Correcting The Adoption
The speculation that Senior's Christmas visit
was related to
providing provenance for Barry Soetoro in return for a financial payoff,
also provides an answer to one of the many "anomalies" on the
COLB. It has to be
considered in the context of time and place, ie, the normal social
traditions of Madelyn and Stanley Dunham's era -- that slip right on by
the notice of most people today.
The COLB, however, designates him as Barack Hussein
Obama II. A
boy given the same name as his father is designated "junior." A
boy given the same name as someone OTHER than his father is designated
"II." "Junior" tells the world, "This is my son." A boy
given the same name as an uncle is "II", and says to the world, this boy
is named for someone we admire. The common explanation would be
that the "junior" is named AFTER the father. "II" is named "FOR"
someone else.
The designation of Barry as "II" on the COLB is a
flat-out statement that Obama of Kenya is not Barry’s father. That he
entered into a business arrangement as a cash-on-the-line favor to the Dunhams.
Lolo Soetoro's adoption of Barry made him Barry's "father,"
regardless of who sired him.
All previous records were sealed. Effectively, the original father
no longer existed and the original records no longer existed. The sire, whoever that may be, gave him up.
So the Dunham's import Abercrombie's buddy, the Kenyan, the only
black guy they know other than Frank Marshall Davis. The deal would
have to involve legal consent, meaning an appearance in court, and
signatures. This is the only reason Senior would have been in Hawaii
visiting his former "family" for a month to six weeks.
We know
Lolo never knew, because of the
divorce in 1980,
he acknowledges that he is the father of one child above the age of 18
and "still dependent on the parties for education.".
On the child care section of the Dunham-Soetoro
divorce, under living
the documents states, "oldest child in university and mother resides
with youngest child in 4 bedroom home provided by mother's employer
(USAID); household includes 2 full-time live-in domestics."
still thought Barack Obama was Barry "Soebarkah" Soetoro,
his son, in
1980, and he made that acknowledgement in his divorce.
Stanley Ann
returned to Indonesia in January, 1972. Except for occasional visits to Hawaii, Dunham,
who traveled throughout Southeast Asia on business, would remain
based in Jakarta for the remainder of her life -- estranged from
her son.
Hawaii -- 1972 -- Barry Soetoro Becomes
Barry Obama
The Dunhams enrolled
"Barry Obama" in the prestigious
Punahou School,
starting in the fifth grade. He
attended Punahou on a scholarship, through the
generosity of many unnamed donors, and walked the five blocks
from his grandmother's apartment on Beretania to the school.
With more than 3,000 students, Punahou is the largest private school
in the country, and it sits on a lush, sprawling campus in Honolulu. The
school is elite and wealthy.
While a
student, Barry Obama carved his name in the pavement outside the
cafeteria of Punahou School.
Kinda interesting, eh? King Obama! A
lifelong narcissist.
Grandpa Stanley was the driving force behind Barry
being accepted at Punahou and he took Barry to Punahou for the entrance
exams in 1971. He also accompanied Barry to Punahou on his first
day of classes in 1972. Barry made friends quickly
told his classmates that his father was an African prince, the
leader of a proud and successful people.
Obama's classmate and friend, Keith "Ray" Kakugawa, said, "Barry's
biggest struggles then were missing his parents. His biggest struggles
were his feelings of abandonment. Obama would write, "I didn't
feel [her absence] as a deprivation, but when I think about the fact
that I was separated from her, I suspect it had more of an impact than I
While at Punahou School, Obama turns into a disenchanted
teenage rebel,
using cocaine and marijuana.
Obama admits in "Dreams" that during high school he
frequently smoked marijuana, drank alcohol, even used cocaine
In his book, Obama
recalls that he had "been headed" to
the status of "junkie" or "pothead", which he describes as "the final,
fatal role of the young would-be black man". He recalls smoking "reefer"
in the backs of his friends' vans, dorm rooms and "on the beach with a
couple of Hawaiian kids who had dropped out of school."
Leong, a former classmate,
"He was known as a partier, as a guy looking for a good time, but not
much more," Mr. Leong said. "There was pot in Hawaii in the 1970s,
but it wasn't a big deal." He was known
as the Popolo kid (one of two)
and, along with his buddy Keith Kakugawa, as the campus drug dealers.
Hawaii -- 1972
-- Barry's Bolshevik
Accuracy in Media has an in-depth
of a leftist who influenced Obama during his high school years. In
an article entitled, "Obama's Communist Mentor," Cliff Kincaid
identifies a member of the Communist Party USA, who has been influential
in Obama's life and education,
Frank Marshall Davis,
who was a communist -- and born in Kansas.
Barry was introduced to Frank Marshall Davis by
his grandfather, Stanley, just after he took the Punahou entrance exams.
Davis and Stanley Armour Dunham were drinkin' buddies.
moved to Honolulu from Chicago in 1948 with his second wife
Canfield, a white socialite, at the suggestion of his friend the
actor Paul Robeson, who advised them that there would be more tolerance
of a mixed race couple in Hawaii than on the American mainland.
Robeson, of course, was the well-known black actor and singer who served
as a member of the CPUSA and apologist for the old Soviet Union. Davis
had known Robeson from his time in Chicago.
The 1951 report of
the Commission on Subversive Activities to the Legislature of the
Territory of Hawaii identified him as a CPUSA member. What's more,
anti-communist congressional committees, including the House Un-American
Activities Committee (HUAC), accused Davis of involvement in several
communist-front organizations.
Davis, frequently accompanied by young Barack Obama
and his grandfather Stanley, sold marijuana and cocaine from a "Chicago
style" hot dog cart Davis operated near his home on Kuhio Avenue in
Waikiki in the early 1970s.
A credible source, a well-known resident of Honolulu,
disclosed that Davis was the source of drugs sold and consumed by Obama.
..."Obama was a young kid, about 14 or 15 years old,"
the source said. "I was told his name was Barry, and there was no
doubt Barry knew Davis
was selling marijuana and cocaine as well as hot dogs from the stand."
Obama quoted him as saying shortly before going to
college: "Leaving your race at the door. Leaving your people
behind. Understand something, boy. You’re not going to
college to get educated. You’re going there to get trained."
He added, "they’ll yank on your chain and let you know that you may
be a well-trained, well-paid nigger, but you’re a nigger just the same."
Is it possible that Obama did not know what Davis was? Hardly,
in his book Obama refers to Davis as a contemporary of the communists
Richard Wright and
Langston Hughes.
This is the key question: What did Obama know and when did he know
Which of course raises the disturbing questions that must be
Did Davis recruit Obama?
Frank Marshall Davis -- Author
Here is the cover from, "Black Sex Rebel," now, out of print, that
was written by Obama's mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, in which
brags of of "swinging," sex
with minors, and having sex with an underage girl in Hawaii named Anne.
Congratulations, America, we now have a president whose mentor in Hawaii
from age 10 to 18 wrote a bisexual pornographic autobiography.
What other American politician can say this?
A copy of which was obtained from
Andrew Walden, a resident of Hilo on the island of Hawaii and publisher
of the Hawaii Free Press...
Did Davis teach Obama more than the Communist
In Indonesia, Obama's nanny was an openly gay man.
In Hawaii, his mentor was a bisexual pedophile and a black Marxist.
This kid didn't have a chance. And it was Obama's own grandfather
who hooked them up, because he thought young Barry should have a black
role model.