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Identity Theft

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An "Identity Theft" Issue reports that former Rep. J.D. Hayworth, who on Monday officially entered Arizona's Republican race against Sen. John McCain, defended his recent call for Barack Obama to produce his birth certificate, suggesting his questions stem not from conspiracy theories that Obama was really born in Kenya but from concerns about identity theft.

During a Monday evening interview on CNN (watch it here), Hayworth pointed to the case of fugitive Vietnam War protester Howard Mechanic, who in 2000 sought a seat on the Scottsdale City Council using the alias "Gary Tredway."  After he was exposed, Mechanic eventually received a pardon from President Bill Clinton.

"All I'm saying is, for every race across the country, especially with identity theft in the news, it would be great that people can confirm who they say they are," Hayworth said.

"Identity theft?  I mean, come on," an incredulous CNN host Campbell Brown said, laughing.  "Is that honestly what this is about?"

Brown pressed Hayworth as to whether he was "comfortable with the fact that (Obama is) an American citizen."  The Constitution requires that the president be a natural-born citizen, which is widely viewed as meaning he must be born in the United States.  Obama was born Aug. 4, 1961, in Hawaii.  During the presidential race, Obama's campaign produced the Hawaii-issued short-form birth certificate, but fringe Obama critics, dubbed "birthers," continue to demand to see his long-form birth certificate.

"Barack Obama is the president of the United States.  He is our 44th president," Hayworth told Brown.  "I have no qualms about who he is, or who he says he is."

But in a Jan. 26 interview on MSNBC's "Hardball with Chris Matthews," Hayworth said Obama "should come forward with the information, that’s all."

"Well, gosh, we all had to bring our birth certificates to show we were who we said we were, and we were the age we said we were, to play football and youth sports," Hayworth said.  "Shouldn't we know exactly that anyone who wants to run for public office is a natural-born citizen of the United States and is who they say they are?"

I have a few words about this -- next item . . .

See How The Obots Spin

Let's take a look at how Dan Nowicki, The Arizona Republic's award-winning national political reporter spins the above item.

He begins with, "Brown pressed Hayworth as to whether he was 'comfortable with the fact that (Obama is) an American citizen.'"

Nowicki frames his interpretation of the facts as being a citizenship issue, when he knows it's an eligibility issue, which he demonstrates when he continues:

"The Constitution requires that the president be a natural-born citizen..."

That's the Obot two-step -- conflating eligibility and citizenship -- muddying the water, right up front -- and here comes the spin:

"...which is widely viewed as meaning he must be born in the United States..."

A view not held by the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Patrick Leahy, and senators McKaskill, Coburn, Clinton, Webb, and, oh yes -- Barack Obama.  Their formal view is that John McCain, a child born of American parents, was a "natural born" citizen.  Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, himself a former Federal judge, agreed.

"...Obama was born Aug. 4, 1961, in Hawaii."

So, here's how it worked in 2008 -- when Obots addressed Obama's eligibility, they talk about Hawaii -- "...Obama was born Aug. 4, 1961, in Hawaii"-- they don't want to talk about the implications of the fact that his father was a foreigner.

When addressing McCain, it's parentage -- said Sen. Leahy, "Because he was born to American citizens...McCain is a natural born citizen" -- even though McCain was born in a foreign country -- there's problems there too.

Fact is, both Obama and McCain were ineligible and everybody knew it.  That's why there was no outcry then, and why there's no outcry now.  Think about it, Congress, the judiciary, and all those campaign types, the lobbyists, and the rest of them -- they're almost all lawyers -- they know that Barack Obama is currently usurping the office -- they were intimidated by the spectre of "riots in the cities" and the need to go along.

Nowicki couldn't just close his propaganda piece without throwing a shot at the "birthers" -- small "b"

"During the presidential race, Obama's campaign produced the Hawaii-issued short-form birth certificate, but fringe Obama critics, dubbed "birthers," continue to demand to see his long-form birth certificate."

It's not just about a bogus birth certificate that has been exposed by three competent examiners as a counterfeit -- there's a whole bunch of stuff Obama is hiding from the American People -- and you're wrong about that fringe thing too.

The facts of the interview are the facts.  Nowicki's interpretation of them are classic propaganda.


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